Tulsarama 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Sport Coupe Buried Car!
We all watched the unveiling together on the live video stream last night and it was very sad and Weasel got drunk and sang 1957 Tulsarama Time Capsule Buried Car songs and everything. Then we had a stalking and a flamewar and wrote haiku about boogers. I felt better after that. “Haiku” is both singular and plural. Isn’t that interesting?
Some people cynically manipulate their Google search ranking by repeating keywords over and over, but I would never do that to my friends in the 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Buried Car community. I’m different from all the others. I bet you’re different, too. So we have that in common.
You know what else we have in common? Weasel likes cookies. And gin. Not together. Except maybe if the gin comes first because, whoa! after that I’ll eat anything. Please don’t be making Weasel prove it.
So you can see we were meant to be.
Visit again. This special 1957 Plymouth Belvedere Buried Car
bond we forged, it would be a terrible thing to break.
June 16, 2007 — 4:22 pm
Comments: 79