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Separated at birth

mike huckabee huckleberry hound

Am I the only one to notice? People, people: MIKE HUCKABEE HAS A NAME THAT SOUNDS A REAL LOT LIKE “HUCKLEBERRY HOUND” WHO HE ALSO LOOKS LIKE AND RESEMBLES IN OTHER WAYS! Geez, why are these things always left up to me? Okay, it was a cinch I wouldn’t like the evangelical Christian candidate, but seriously — this man’s face has more doofus per square inch than the law allows, even in Arkansas. I can just *hear* him going, “hyuck, hyuck!” Can’t you?

Yes, I’m from rural Tennessee. Bite me.

OH! And speaking of Tennessee I DEMAND AL GORE SHOVEL MY DRIVEWAY! We’ve had more snow in the last four days than we had all Winter last year. Literally. Maybe not a sign the planet is getting colder, but last year’s warm weather was sure as shit interpreted the other way.

Rain fell on top of snow, then temps overnight dropped into the teens, with a whippy wind. That knee-high mountain of slush the plough left at the end of my drive froze into something resembling cement. And razor blades. I crushed it a bit in the middle and hoped I could get up a good head start and sort of…jump it, but the Weaselmobile did a bellyflop and stuck fast. May you never have to wangle icebergs the size of your head from under a running Miata.

I have used up every drop of my happy chemistry this morning. WHERE ARE MY ENDORPHINS?!?

December 17, 2007 — 12:09 pm
Comments: 72