Aiii! It’s a fiesta! Is everyone else getting a big ol’ extra helping of spam lately? I don’t get much email spam (much to the disgust of Uncle B, who gets LOTS), but I’ve seen a definite uptick lately. And my comment spams are working hard to read like comments. They fail:
terrific site this great to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor
Eh. No you shan’t. No link in the message; the email address linked to a YouTube video about cheap car insurance.
From Russia with luncheonmeat:
Hello, dear colleagues.
Sori what not absolutely on a site theme I write.
To me it is very strong the script a cursor the auction Internet as on [url=]the Scandinavian auction[/url] is necessary but that the script was free and it was possible to download!
I wish to open similar the Internet auction with antiques. Give advice please: how to open such the Internet auction?
Yours faithfully, Lena Ilyin.
You can just feel meaning struggling to break through the gibberish, can’t you? “Hi, guys! Sorry to be off-topic, but…”
This guy next decides to hump our collective leg for a moment before he makes his pitch:
Hi Everbody
I just became a member of this forum
Great work by the admin, mods and seriously every member around.
Yesterday I read that there is a treatment for diabetes on
Is this way of curing diabetes mentioned actually true, If so I should have found out earlier! The source looks like a reliable healthcare news websiteCould you someone tell me if this healthcare information is for real?
The weird thing is, I think he’s selling ringtones. At least, that’s where his email address points. What’s the deal with ringtones, anyhow? I understand the lucrative potential of Viagra and replica watches — theoretically — but ringtones?
That’s what this guy is selling, too. I love this one. Which is good, because I’ve gotten it more than once:
I kno it has nothing to do with what you wrote, but have you ever heard of . They seems to promise free ringtones
PS. Dont be an ass, this is NOT spam 😉
The postscript. It’s adorable. It’s not often I get called an ass with a winky-smiley.
Uncle B has a theory that you can tell your fortune from your spam. Unfortunately, I think his method involves splitting open spammers and examining their entrails.
April 22, 2009 — 7:25 pm
Comments: 30