Warner Brothers thanks you for your custom
I haven’t seen V for Vendetta, either in its comic book or movie form, but from the plot synopsis, I can see why anonymous glommed onto the mask as a fitting symbol.
But, geez, Guy Fawkes? Wanted to blow up parliament because he hoped the next king would be nicer to Catholics. Not really a man for our times. Oh, and he failed. Also, drawn and quartered.
Even better, those masks are made by Rubie’s Costume Company of Long Island, under license to Warner Brothers. They reckon they’ve sold 100,000, list price $9.99.
So, the delightful question is, just how much money has the anti-corporate-greed crowd generated for one of America’s richest corporations?
October 20, 2011 — 10:00 pm
Comments: 43
Plenty of time to kick off a new Dead Pool.
Tomorrow. Six o’clock Weasel Blog Time!
Be there! Um, here.
— 3:09 pm
Comments: 18