Say a little prayer for Socks tonight
Here is the entirety of the text that ran with this picture:
ginger and white kitten 14 weeks old naughty and hard work looking for a really good home.
Emphasis mine. Emphasis totally makes me want to take this bad boy home. Doesn’t sound like he and Charlotte would hit it off, but I appreciate the honesty, anyway.
Yes, I’m kitten shopping. In my defense, I’ve never bought a cat before. All my cats have come to me as desperate strays — most of them fully grown — and I have taken them in and spoiled them to the best of my ability. The Cat Goddess has been kind enough to send me good cats, and never more than I can look after at a time.
But, begging Her Grace’s pardon, I grow tired of waiting for that special ginger tom. And with Autumn descending upon us from on high, like unto an Acme safe, I really think I need a kitten. For medicinal purposes.
So every morning, over coffee, I refresh a few select classified ad websites and search for kittens. I am very specific in my requirements this time. I’ll know him when I see him. I think. I’ve been at it for about a week now, and I’ve stared at hundreds and hundreds of goofy kittens.
Not sure if that makes me feel awesome or suicidal.
September 13, 2013 — 9:32 pm
Comments: 35