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A long way from home


A long way from home and on the wrong side of the road. Periodically, there are antique car rallies in our area, heavily weighted to big-ass American cars. It’s cool when they get routed past our front door along the way, in a great long parade of vehicles (my brain forever pronounces that vee-HICKLES).

A little engine rumbly is all the warning we get, but it’s enough. I usually walk to the end of the drive and wave, in my capacity as America’s representative on earth.

That was this weekend. Today, we did a luncheon thing with friends. We don’t do a lot of socializing (translate: we couldn’t really get out of this one). The wine flowed free and I feel pretty crap.

How’s your capacity doin’? Mine seems to have nosedived in old age.

November 23, 2015 — 9:33 pm
Comments: 18