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Hey Bill – you better get some ice for that


Drudge put these two pictures together and I wanted to nail them to posterity. I had to look it up to confirm Broaddrick was the ice for that lady.

In interviews with the Washington Post, Broaddrick said Clinton encouraged her to call his campaign office when she was in Little Rock. She did that and set up a coffee meeting with Clinton at her hotel. According to Broaddrick, Clinton told her there were too many reporters in the lobby of the hotel so they should have coffee in her room.

She said she ordered coffee and let him in her room. This is what she told the Post back in 1999:

“As she tells the story, they spent only a few minutes chatting by the window — Clinton pointed to an old jail he wanted to renovate if he became governor — before he began kissing her. She resisted his advances, she said, but soon he pulled her back onto the bed and forcibly had sex with her. She said she did not scream because everything happened so quickly. Her upper lip was bruised and swollen after the encounter because, she said, he had grabbed onto it with his mouth.

” ‘The last thing he said to me was, “You better get some ice for that.” And he put on his sunglasses and walked out the door,’ she recalled.”

I’m not a general fan of feminist revenge porn, but that image of him putting on his sunglasses* and snarking at her has stuck with me. This picture is the perfect antidote.

*usually referred to as “Puts on Sunglasses”, is the ASCII-interpretation of the popular C.S.I. multipane comics featuring Lt. Horatio Caine (played by David Caruso), the protagonist character in the popular police procedural show Crime Scene Investigation: Miami.

( •_•)>⌐■-■

In 2002, CSI: Miami, an American police procedural television series on CBS first aired. In the show, The lead Crime Scene Investigator (who always wears sunglasses) usually makes some horrible pun at the beginning of the show on how the victim died, puts on his sunglasses, and then the theme song (which is Won’t Get Fooled Again by The Who) plays, always at the part where the singer goes “YYEEAAHH!”

No, I didn’t watch the debate. But then, I never do. I have too much personal stagefright – I’m terrified I’ll see somebody throw up or shit himself. I can always catch it in the replay, when everybody already knows what’s going to happen.

October 10, 2016 — 7:05 pm
Comments: 9