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Ain’t nobody got time for that…

One side effect of being on Twitter so much is learning how many people have, or are planning to have, podcasts. Or YouTube rant channels or whatever.

Some of them I maybe, sorta have an interest in topically – but holy geez, they’re so long! Hours, some of them.

And they all start off with their intro (okay, branding, I get it) and then they natter on for a while about their schedule for the next week and what they’re playing on Twitch afterwards. I mean, you’re five, ten minutes in and they still haven’t said anything on-topic. I DON’T HAVE THE ATTENTION SPAN.

Surely, there isn’t a market for so much content from the same angle. And who has time for this? Who has two hours to be captive? You can skim a headline aggregator in seconds. Done.

p.s. yes, I’m trying to wean myself off Twitter. I need a project.

p.p.s. have a good weekend, everyone!

January 22, 2021 — 7:49 pm
Comments: 16