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It’s not just the wheat

Our cobnut tree is about ready to be harvested. Wikipedia uses cobnut, hazelnut and filbert interchangeably, but then says “according to species” – so they are three different things.

This site says “the cobnut is a cultivated variety of hazelnut introduced in the 19th century in Kent in southern England; hence, it is often commonly known as a Kentish cobnut.” Sold between mid-August and October, they say, so definitely early.

I like cobnuts, filberts and hazelnuts, so it’s all good.

As for the wheat harvest, it goes on. I haven’t had any more close encounters with combine harvesters, but I can hear them grinding away in the field. Sitting in the garden, I was covered in little bits of stuff and I didn’t put two and two together until Uncle B said, “that’s chaff.”

So it is.

July 17, 2023 — 6:40 pm
Comments: 4