Everyone knows it’s windy
Heavy weather in the pipeline for Weaselland tonight.
I would hate to admit how long I had to look for this video before I found it. Breaking Bad has muddied the Googly waters by using a version in the series.
But I succeeded. I give you Windy. The audio is a live recording from the 1967 Ravinia Festival, but the link above jumps to the live action reenactment halfway through, when the chick playing Windy arrives.
Everything about her is – *mwah* – perfection. Her false eyelashes. Her ruffly bikini. The stupid look on her face throughout. I particularly commend to your attention her stormy eyes that flash at the sound of lies, wherein she looks hilariously mental.
This is from that weird crossover period when the songs were hippie but the TV actors were still Lawrence Welk.
Or rewind to the beginning and listen. I always liked this song.
If I get swept away in the night, I love you guys…
August 1, 2023 — 8:07 pm
Comments: 8