I swore I’d never do this again
When I did a lot of deadline-driven work, I had a terrible habit of taking on jobs that were simply impossible in the time given. Sometimes procrastination was involved, so it was my fault. Sometimes, I overpromised what I was capable of, so I guess that was my fault, too.
Okay, fine. It’s my fault.
I always succeeded, somehow. Mostly through sheer terror of the shame of failure. But I swore I’d never put myself through it again.
Anyway, I was all, like, “sure I can lay out a book in four days. And take the photos? Of course. The copy isn’t finalized yet? No problem, just dribble it to me. Announce it ahead of time in the local paper? Swell!”
So, while I run in circles yipping, please enjoy some trivia. This stamp, as you may know, is a Penny Black – the world’s first postage stamp. And because it was first, England is the only country in the world that doesn’t have to put the name of their country on a stamp.
If you find a stamp without country information, it’s English.
Now, excuse me. Expect me scarce and terrified.
August 7, 2023 — 7:00 pm
Comments: 4