I met my deadline!
The backstory is, one of our very senior researchers is increasingly old and frail and has been in the hospital for the last three months. Naturally, being the academic type, she used the time to write this book and the corresponding display. She has just returned to work a few hours a day and is there any way I could get it all laid out by the 11th?
I may be a weasel, but I’m not a monster.
I won’t say it was fun chasing a deadline, but it does feel good not to let an old skill fade away.
Nothing would do but a glass of my lucky whisky. Have a good weekend, everyone!
p.s. the big-ass lens flare is because it was out of focus and I was too lazy to get up and retake the photo. I have booze to drink, you know!
August 11, 2023 — 7:38 pm
Comments: 5