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Guys! Guys! I figured out the VP pick!

He confirmed today there’s a chunk out of his ear. I think the little fella deserves a chance.

This is probably the strangest political happening of my lifetime. And I’m old.

I have soooo many questions. The shooter was a long-haired 20-year-old noodle-armed nobody with zero social media presence who lived with his parents. Oh-kay. How did he know the layout of the site, 100 miles away? How did he know there wouldn’t be law enforcement on the roof? (There should have been!). How did he carry a ladder? Was it already there?

Why wasn’t there a presence on the roof? Why didn’t the snipers spot him? How could people on the ground see him and yell about a man with a gun on the roof for five minutes without getting a reaction? What about the cop who went up the ladder, got the rifle pointed at him, and went down again? Why didn’t he duck and draw his weapon?

At the very least, someone deliberately or carelessly assigned the most incompetent possible team to the detail. Did you see that woman trying to protect Trump from the front? She came up to his collarbone. They’re supposed to shield him 100% with their bodies and that just wasn’t physically possible.

How about all those Secret Service chicks surrounding him at the car? Bunch of chubby soccer moms with ponytails. That one poor woman who couldn’t holster her sidearm – I feel bad for the flak she’s taking, but come on.

Biden’s agents look like proper sides of beef.

Well, I guess the good news is, the people responsible for this are in charge of the investigation.

July 15, 2024 — 5:23 pm
Comments: 13