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Flipping redcurrants.

Of all the fruits Uncle B grows in the garden, the only one that overperforms every year is the red currant bush. One year we got twelve pounds of fruit off that thing. I mean, thanks but…what am I supposed to do with all these currants?

Anyway, I’ve been out picking redcurrants. And Albert has rallied strongly today. I got him some fresh straw and chicken vitamins and let him mope in the run for a day and he seems much stronger this evening.

No picking my chicken for the Dead Pool.

It’s been another astonishing day of watching the Democrat party rattle to pieces. Big donors think Kamala is too whackadoo for their money. BLM opposes her, for some reason. The grassroots are now foaming anti-Jew crazies whom the rest of the party seem terrified to contradict.

She’s snubbing Netanyahu. Amazing.

I’m telling you, the Democratic Convention is going to be lit. I am…uneasy.

July 24, 2024 — 7:02 pm
Comments: 7