Loved it.
It’s the only two minutes of the Olympics I watched. You’ll be hard pressed to find a version of it on YouTube that doesn’t have a huge, bouncing watermark or breaks halfway through to ask you to subscribe to their channel. People obviously trying to glom onto this silly cow’s fifteen minutes. And the official Olympic channel doesn’t feature it for some reason (snicker).
I’m sure most people would argue that break-dancing shouldn’t be in the Olympics, but it isn’t the silliest Olympic sport. And if you watched clips from the proper entrants (which I did trying to find our friend Raygun), it’s kind of mesmerizing and athletic as hell.
Here’s a guy who takes it seriously and tries to explain why she was so awful. If you care. Just a small rabbit hole I fell down this afternoon.
A rare hot Summer’s day here and I’m trying not to move too much.
August 12, 2024 — 7:17 pm
Comments: 9