Look at that little face. LOOK AT IT!!!
How could anything so tiny and sweet produce such giant squishy radioactive turds five+ times a day? AND he’s starting to drop them in bad places, mostly under the wood stove, where they melt holes in brick.
We’re convinced he was pretty malnourished when he came to us. The home he came from was loving enough, but he was the smallest of ten cats in a small flat with nothing but cheap dry food and lots of competition.
For the first week, he did nothing but eat and sleep and poop and look adorable.
Week two: swashbuckling hell cat! Well, okay, ordinary rambunctious kitten. I’m delighted to see it, for all he’s a pain in the ass sometimes. It’s much more normal. And it’s all a tribute to my strategy of shoving high-quality calories in his little gob at every opportunity.
That probably explains the turds, though.
Posted: October 16th, 2013 under animals, cats, personal.
Comments: 23
Comment from Paula Douglas
Time: October 16, 2013, 10:12 pm
Actually, the better the input, the more tolerable the output. And less of it, with quality food. If he’ll eat dry food, that’s even better from the perspective of moderating the aroma. I don’t know what brands are available there, but all six of mine like Evo kibble, and it’s hard to get six meezers to agree on anything. It’s 45 bucks for a 15 lb bag, but it’s worth it ’cause they like it. Crapping under the wood stove I can’t help you with, unless he just doesn’t like the litter box’s location. Mine all use the boxes religiously and the newest arrival, a 5-month Oriental princess, plays in it like a kid in a sandbox even when she’s not there for business.
Comment from Paula Douglas
Time: October 16, 2013, 10:15 pm
Royal Canin makes quality kitten grub in dry and canned versions, if you can get them there. The kibble comes in tiny little pieces to accommodate their baby teeth, and they generally like the taste. You want the “kitten” versions, not the “baby cat” versions.
Comment from Stephen Falken
Time: October 16, 2013, 10:18 pm
My kitten is older than yours but we got them about the same time. It was either a stray or she just likes staying at my place better for some reason. Anyway, she’s been leaving a lot of big squishy turds the last few days too and I suspected it was because I was giving her too much milk. So, I Googled an answer and apparently you are not supposed to give cats milk! (at least not very often) Today she is only getting water. Don’t know if that will fix her problem yet but I think it might help.
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: October 16, 2013, 10:31 pm
There are holes in my legs. Where the claws go in. As he climbs Mount Badger.
No milk. Just Baja Blud.
Comment from Deborah
Time: October 16, 2013, 11:01 pm
His intestinal flora could be off, so his food isn’t digesting properly. Perhaps some feline probiotics would help. Or feed him some homemade sauerkraut or anything else you have that’s fermented. Sounds counter-intuitive but it works.
He’s adorable. I swear a kitten is the best toy ever.
Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: October 16, 2013, 11:31 pm
I swear a kitten is the best toy ever.
Except for the 22 gauge attached to their toes and jaws.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: October 16, 2013, 11:32 pm
Or yogurt is also good for helping to correct the intestinal flora.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: October 17, 2013, 12:42 am
My princess eats Royal Canin urinary formula. Essentially a very high sodium food that makes her drink at least 2 cups of water a day. Prevents her from forming any urinary tract crystals. Good side is her poop is very dry and doesn’t smell. Bad side is she pisses enough for 3 cats which means that I spend a fortune on clumping liter and am constantly scooping her box.
Comment from Timothy S. Carlson
Time: October 17, 2013, 12:56 am
Our cats (4 of them) eat Whiskas dry food and canned mackerel. All are doing well, poop-wise, except for the eldest, Lucky. No matter what I feed her, she only leaves green puddles. Disgusting. She seems to be okay otherwise.
Oh, and only water. My wife was giving them milk, but then _all_ of them had the runs. I put a stop to that.
Comment from Gromulin
Time: October 17, 2013, 1:01 am
I sooooo wish we could have a kitten, but mama is allergic. I grew up with a constant supply. When I was six, I woke up to a mama cat…can still remember her name – Maudy, that decided to have her litter on my bed. Little wet, squirmy stinky things, but I’ll never forget waking up that morning. There’s a certain strain of grey short hairs in California -I think they are some sort of ‘Russian Blues’ IIRC, that were THE BEST. Nutty beyond belief. Oh well, it’s bunnies and canines for now.
Comment from Nina
Time: October 17, 2013, 2:31 am
Luckiest cat in England!
Comment from Nina
Time: October 17, 2013, 2:36 am
And I don’t do litter boxes, but if I had to I’d want one of these suckers: http://www.litter-robot.com
Comment from Mrs Compton
Time: October 17, 2013, 3:03 am
So glad you’re posting this. When Mr C asks for a cat I’m going to show this to him.
Comment from AliceH
Time: October 17, 2013, 3:32 am
That’s odd. I had none of these … issues when I got my 8wk old kitten. She caught on to the litter box right away. She was one of 6 kittens in one cat’s litter bouncing around with another 8 kittens from her grandmother’s litter. They all lived in some scrub area by a lake behind some lady’s house. The lady would regularly put out some huge bowls of the cheapest dry food but it wasn’t like they had luxury living conditions in April thunderstorms and such. I did have to contend with fleas and a serious case of ear mites, but that was easily remedied. I fed her dry kitten-formula food (Purina One).
And I do in fact have an excellent sense of smell, and have witnesses as well.
Comment from Oceania
Time: October 17, 2013, 3:56 am
It is dumping in the House?
Most thoroughbred kittens are trained by mum not to shit outside the litter box …
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: October 17, 2013, 6:15 am
A Tablespoon of canned Albacore, plus a bit of bran and ripe yoghurt. You need to repopulate his gut with beneficial microbes.
Comment from GIL
Time: October 17, 2013, 8:47 am
Adorable! Our 8 yo old Boris is a mess. He just had £1500 (!) catheter/surgery on his clogged weenus. He has to eat special £12/box soft food and £24/bag kibble. We have boundary issues going on with another dog in our house during the day, plus our own. Boris is freaked out and won’t come home. Except that he does. And the rhythms are falling into place. His sick little noogie is all confused because it’s Halloween and everything, cats included, is going through the heat and the reproductive cycle. He’s one mixed up kittie, but he’s fine.
Why did I tell you this? Because lately he’s been showing signs of low appetite. Our vet bill is such that Boris doesn’t get another go at being ill. I can’t have 8th grade anorexia and bulemic problems going on. I’ve just ordered a £4.00 jar of good, organic catnip, which I’ll mix into his food as an appetite stimulant.
Your kitty is young enough where she’ll flake out with the catnip. They love it. Get some or grow some. Think of it as LSD Salad that goes with their food. You may need it when she’s older. When a cat makes up its mind about something, good luck with changing it. When she’s older, you’ll know if she likes catnip or not–it’s a particularly individual taste. If she does, you’ve got a silly, playful cat that will appreciate the good health down the road!
Comment from Mojo
Time: October 18, 2013, 5:02 pm
Just the “crazy cat” part of feline childhood. It’s a carnivore thing, you wouldn’t understand…
Comment from Mojo
Time: October 18, 2013, 5:04 pm
PS: he could be bug hunting. They do that.
Comment from Christopher Smith
Time: October 19, 2013, 3:13 am
Pumpkin is also supposed to be good for firming up the stools of kittens. You can search/ask on Love and Hisses blog she has raised zillions of kittens.
Comment from Christopher Smith
Time: October 19, 2013, 3:15 am
Cats are lactose intolerant so you have to be careful in giving milk. I give a half ounce or so to my older cat every so often because he gets constipated.
Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: October 21, 2013, 4:44 pm
I came within an inch (ha! You thought I was going to write “whisker,” didn’t you?) of adopting a new kitten this weekend. Fortunately, since I have two large males already, he was spoken for: an 8-week-old silver tabby longhaired male, nicknamed “Sampson” by the shelter. Bright and alert, energetic but very sociable. He’s gonna be a beauty for somebody — much like your little demon above.
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