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Damien communicates with the mothership



charlottesniffing.jpgI tend to fire off dozens of photographs at a time and then evaluate them solely by thumbnails. As a result, I often don’t notice oddball images like the one above, taken when Damien was about eight weeks old. Directly above his face, just out of the shot, is a two-bulb fluorescent desklamp of the kind once used by draughtsmen (I got it from work when they shut down our ink-and-paper drafting operations), but with modern warm fluorescent bulbs. This light frequently confuses automatic exposure controls, which seldom get the white balance right for it. I take a lot of very yellow pictures under this light.

The cats are oddly fascinated by it. Charlotte in particular — who experiences the world largely through her nose — greets this lamp by starting at one end and smelling carefully down its entire length. And sometimes all the way back up again. I suspect it smells like delicious houseflies.


Comment from lizardbrain
Time: March 27, 2007, 8:25 am

Aaaagh! Cats! Getemoff! They burn! I need to re-block your images.

Seriously, though, I like the halo effect as Damien tries to burn out his retinas (retinae?). I’ll have to try converting some of my stranger white balance adventures to b&w, and see what happens.

Comment from lizardbrain
Time: March 27, 2007, 8:26 am


I just looked it up. My dictionary says both retinas and retinae.

Geekdom. It’s a way of life.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 27, 2007, 10:09 am

This one’s not so much a white balance issue as a ginked exposure. I was gonna call it Damien on the Road to Damascus, but I had a momentary lapse of bad taste and changed it.

Dude, if your cats are itching and burning, I think you’re applying them wrong.

Comment from Frit
Time: September 11, 2010, 10:03 am

“Dude, if your cats are itching and burning, I think you’re applying them wrong.”

I am SO glad I had just swallowed my juice BEFORE reading that line! Otherwise, my laptop would be a mess. And apple/raspberry juice, no matter how tasty, is not good through the nose. *indulges in gigglefits, with juice carefully set aside for the duration*

I love the photos, Stoaty!

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