Don’t touch our ‘Butthole’, say residents
Yeah. Actual headline. I only posted it for that. I suppose I could do a post on funny English road names, but that’s been done to death.
So, instead, I’m going to post about corvids. Couple of weeks ago, the BBC ran a story about a little girl in Seattle who leaves food for the crows. They pay her back in bits of junk and shiny trinkets.
At the end of the story, they asked readers for any similar experiences and got back some amazing stories. All of them were crows, I think. Worth a read.
We had a couple of pet crows when I was little. My mother was good with animals, so we had lots of them. The crows really impressed me as personalities — smart and alert and a little wicked. They loved to tease the cats.
It’s very birdy where we live now, including a lively colony of rooks. I like the rooks. A few years ago, I was walking home along a busy road and I spotted a rook on the sidewalk. Or maybe a crow. Not sure. Anyway, it was limping badly; it had probably been grazed by a car.
I thought, “awwww…I will throw my coat over him and take him home and nurse him back to health and we’ll be bestest of friends.” I took one step in its direction and it squawked and flew straight into the path of a gravel truck and disappeared in a cloud of feathers and red mist.
I still feel shit.
Posted: March 10th, 2015 under animals, birds, britain, personal.
Comments: 9
Comment from Mitchell
Time: March 10, 2015, 11:51 pm
Oof. o_O
And to top off that story here’s the latest in Weasel News:
Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: March 10, 2015, 11:53 pm
it was limping badly
Beaks up! Don’t squish!
Comment from buffalone
Time: March 11, 2015, 12:07 am
Awww, what a horrific story.
I was walking down a sidewalk just today, and a nut dropped next to me on the walk. Being nowhere near a tree, I looked up and there was a large crow sitting on the power wire above my head. He had waited for me to get right underneath him before he dropped it. Bit of crow fun I imagine.
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: March 11, 2015, 12:57 am
That’s sad…
Comment from mojo
Time: March 11, 2015, 3:38 am
Crows are nothing compared to Ravens. Those big bastards are smart.
Comment from buffalone
Time: March 11, 2015, 11:30 am
Might have been a Raven, I don’t know the difference.
Comment from geoff
Time: March 11, 2015, 6:00 pm
What the world needs is a sweaselesque transmogrification of the “iconic” Hillary photo of her using a Blackberry.
Just sayin’.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: March 11, 2015, 7:07 pm
Speaking of Hillary—Stoaty, could you please give us a link to your last Hillary masterpiece? I thought I’d saved it, but apparently I did a “hillary.”
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