compare and contrast
It’s an armadillo, haterz. It won first prize in the “named animal made out of vegetables” category, so there.
The Summer fete season is at its peak. I haven’t posted much from our adventures because it’s all the same every year. That’s the pleasure of it: it’s all the same every year. I get the feeling it has been the same going back decades. With a few minor changes, centuries.
Contrast this with the news. About two thousand migrants a night are still storming the Channel Tunnel. Some make it through. There are supposedly women and children in the camps in Calais, but all we see are strong, young men, swarming over fences and onto goods lorries.
Oh. Excuse me. David Cameron has been slapped for using the word “swarm” — it’s dehumanizing, apparently. The UN has told us to shut up and take our fair share of Syrians, Afghanis, Libyans, Gambians, Kosovars. It’s worth asking what our fair share is, and why.
An awful lot of the people I know here are reflexively liberal (that’s what having a huge monopolistic state media will do for you), but I don’t know anyone who isn’t horrified by this scene. There’s an instinctive understanding that the world of armadillos made out of squashes is not compatible with…that.
‘Member, Dead Pool Tomorrow. 6 WBT. Be here or be somewhere else; I’m not the boss of you.
Posted: July 30th, 2015 under britain, personal.
Comments: 12
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: July 30, 2015, 10:04 pm
Just wait until they bring with them an airborne Ebola outbreak or maybe some kind of antibiotics resistant Tuberculosis and they wind up with a few million corpses…they won’t be so liberal anymore after that.
That’s my sunny thought for the day, you’re welcome :+)
Cute armadillo! Here’s some Goat Babies in Pajamas:
Comment from AliceH
Time: July 31, 2015, 1:27 am
“That’s the pleasure of it: it’s all the same every year”
I wouldn’t mind having the pleasure of a link to excerpt of prior year fete posts. I’ll even step up to making the same comments (if any) I previously made!
Comment from mojo
Time: July 31, 2015, 6:41 am
Didn’t you chumps put in water-tight doors every so often?
Comment from Can\’t Hark My Cry
Time: July 31, 2015, 12:28 pm
I’ll bet they weren’t making vegetable armadillos at fetes in the 16th Century. OK, yeah, you did mention minor changes … 😉
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: July 31, 2015, 2:12 pm
As I understand things, there is a fervent belief on the Left (interestingly enough fitting perfectly with the beliefs of the international socialist movement) that Nationalism is the cause of war and that if were there no borders there would be no war. They point to the horrors of World War I and World War II in particular to support their position. They also like to point out that people are the same everywhere, under all the cultural trappings (trappings which they believe can be homogenized, regulated or removed by State intervention) and that this fundamental similarity can be demonstrated by the fact that all poor immigrants all vote for Labour et al and the proffered benefits thereof the very second they get the chance. From this perspective porous borders are a feature, not a bug.
However, this is another Leftist belief that doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny. The Nationalist theory of war has to whistle past the American Civil War, the Russian Revolution, the Chinese Civil War, the Vietnam War, and, most recently, ISIS -all of which are wars of ideology – and which had nothing to do with borders at all.
Still, even when confronted with this, they will argue that putting cultures into (government-controlled and regulated conflict- (see Affirmative Action in the U.S.) will destroy the barriers between cultures and religions and ultimately remove the differences leaving only a single state-generated culture in their place. Thus it is necessary to destroy the British culture to save it.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 31, 2015, 3:33 pm
It’s a great little armadillo. That carapace looks like onion, but it sure is dark.
Comment from MikeW
Time: July 31, 2015, 4:53 pm
I thought the Chunnel was protected with large, high-voltage grids to kill animals attempting to sneak onto GB and bring rabies. Evidently doesn’t work with the two legged ones, eh? Perhaps they could add some high powered lasers?
By the way, I’ve been wondering, when’re they going to rename that horribly misogynistic Isle Of Man?
Comment from Nina
Time: July 31, 2015, 5:11 pm
I recognized that as an armadillo immediately!
One of the Florida leprosy carrying ones, so don’t get too excited. 🙂
Comment from Prudie
Time: July 31, 2015, 5:18 pm
Despite state-media indoctrination, most people instinctively recognize an invasion when they see it.
Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: July 31, 2015, 8:44 pm
By the way, I’ve been wondering, when’re they going to rename that horribly misogynistic Isle Of Man?
You’re are so right! You have forgotten to mention how othering it is to use the word “man.” It should be more inclusively named, I suggest Isle of Beings.
Comment from mojo
Time: August 1, 2015, 12:26 am
What are they doing, searching each lorry before it enters the Chunnel? That must speed things up.
Shoot a few. Pour l’encouragement d’les autres.
Comment from mojo
Time: August 1, 2015, 12:27 am
And it’s OBVIOUSLY gotta be Homo Island…
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