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Hillary’s excellent explanation


I find this mesmerizing.


Comment from Deborah HH
Time: August 19, 2015, 9:52 pm

It’s enough to make you feel sorry for Bill (almost). I don’t think there are ear plugs stout enough, or a hallway long enough to block her voice.

Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: August 19, 2015, 10:25 pm

I know she won’t go to jail. My second hope is that she ends up ignored and forgotten. THat would be the most awesome punishment.

Comment from EZnSF
Time: August 19, 2015, 10:39 pm

Hi Stoaty,
Was thinking of you just this morning.
How about a “Hillary Campaign Dead Pool”?
Whoever’s closest wins!

I pick Feb 15, 2016.

Comment from thefritz
Time: August 20, 2015, 12:40 am

I just saw her presser today….how can anyone vote for this scrunt. If she survives this server scandal there’s only one sure Conservative that can beat her…Carly…and Ted Cruz as VP.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: August 20, 2015, 12:47 am

I would like to think that Hillary is too discredited to possibly be elected, but the problem is that the Democrats have no one to put forward in her place. Further there are enough knee-jerk anti-Republicans (Note I didn’t say Democrats) to elect her even if she is under indictment on the day of the election. The only alternative name to surface is crazy Bernie. Mallory who was supposed to be the great-white-guy-centrist-hope has so far failed to get his head above water. So, Hillary it will be.

I do admit telling a door-to-door canvasser (Thanks, Mrs Vegetable for opening the front door without checking!) that I intend to vote for Trump. I did it as a protest to the asleep at the wheel Republicrats who got themselves elected to congress and who have bravely farmed crickets ever since. I don’t think that the Party would ever allow him to get the nomination since he doesn’t owe enough people favors.

Sure would be fun though ..,

Comment from J.S.Bridges
Time: August 20, 2015, 10:47 am

Our Heroine…

Clearly, that is POTUS Fo’ Da Future material, that is!

But seriously, Democraps…this is a viable choice for the nomination? Even given ol’ Bernie Da Clearly-Lefty-Whacko Boob as alternative?

It is to weep…or LOL – your cherce.

Comment from J.S.Bridges
Time: August 20, 2015, 10:50 am

…I don’t think there are ear plugs stout enough, or a hallway long enough to block her voice.

Does have that “drilling-into-root-canal” penetration to it, does it not?

Comment from Harbqll
Time: August 20, 2015, 11:02 am

I love that she did that presser wearing prison orange. Just when you thought the woman couldn’t possibly get any more tone deaf…

Comment from tibby
Time: August 20, 2015, 3:30 pm

I find it bad acting.

Comment from Bikeboy
Time: August 20, 2015, 8:53 pm

If the planet hadn’t tilted on its axis at some point, Miz Hilliary would have disappeared from the collective radar screen as soon as her philanderin’ husband left the White House.

But alas! Our 21st-century reality is, this crooked Arkansas attorney got elected Heronner, Senator from New York, and then served (mostly herself) as Secretary of State. And look who the citizenry not only elected, but RE-elected! Just based on that reality, I don’t think anyone should be too surprised if she got elected! (shudder….)

Comment from mojo
Time: August 21, 2015, 1:32 am

Animal House: Otter explains to Flounder how to tell his brother that his car is trashed, while Bluto mugs in the background.

Hillary is Bluto.

Comment from MikeW
Time: August 21, 2015, 2:05 am

Hey Stoats,

I know you’re into that artsy fartsy B&W thing, but this would have been a perfect opportunity to use that mask effect where only her only her pantsuit retains its color while all the rest is reduced to monochrome greyscale.

Then stencil a number on it. Ba da bump. 🙂

Seriously, she should be wearing an orange jumpsuit for all the rest of her days.

Comment from Nina
Time: August 21, 2015, 3:54 am

I wipe my servers with cloths all the time, too.

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