Like the first morning…
After much rain, last weekend was supposed to be beautiful (spoiler: it was). We took ourselves to Alfriston, one of our favorite Sussex villages, inspiration for the hymn Morning is Broken.
I’ve posted about Alfriston before — a little town, but beautiful and much to see (if you want a better look a that mine, mash here; hard to believe it would have taken out the whole bidness).
There are an improbable number of ancient pubs for such a tiny place (perhaps because it was a market town). We settled on The Star. Legend has it the original name was the Bethlehem Star, when it was built in the 13th Century as a pilgrims’ hostel for the use of travelers between Chichester and Canterbury.
Others sniff that it’s only Fifteenth Century (do follow that link; lots of piccies of the carving out front).
If I were psychic, my lunch might have been oppressed by the weight of all the thousands of bodies who had sat just exactly where I was sitting to eat a meal. I am not psychic; I enjoyed my beer and pea soup very much.
Beer and pea soup. Better than it sounds.
More pictures later, but first: Xul has won dick (again) with Yogi Berra. Poor old bastard; I didn’t know he was still alive. You know what that means, of course: Dead Pool Round 77.
Be here Friday or forever hold your peace.
Posted: September 23rd, 2015 under adventure, britain, personal.
Comments: 4
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: September 23, 2015, 10:46 pm
Forever hold your pea soup, surely?
Comment from J.S.Bridges
Time: September 24, 2015, 4:16 am
Beer an’ pea soup, hey? Sounds a lot like a pub-style lunch, alrighty – almost Germanic, rather than Brittanic, though…unless, of course, the beer’s that kinda just-’bout-room-tempachur, semi-flat-an’-kinda-too-bitter stuff. Then, it’d be jen-u-wine Brit, all the way – oh, and kinda luke-warmish soup…
Even Germans, semi-barbarians that they may be, cool their brew nowadays, don’chaknow, and serve that soup just-too-hot-to-drink, so’s to promote spoonage…
Ah, well.
Speaking of room-temperature: So, ol’ Yogi finally bit it big-time. I imagine he’d have had something truly mahvelous to say about that; he did so on just about everything else.
Deja vu all over again, indeed.
See y’all Friday AyEm, Round Seventy-Seven, right? – I’m off to brew up some soup with peas ‘n maybe a little bacon or ham (Bacon!), and warm up a beer or six…
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: September 24, 2015, 2:30 pm
I can’t think of a better way to spend a cool fall afternoon than in an old English Pub eating Pea Soup with a loaf of good bread, while drinking some good local brew and exchanging Yogi-isms.
Here is a link to some of his quotes:
And here’s one to get things started :
The towels were so thick there I could hardly close my suitcase.
Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: September 24, 2015, 3:13 pm
“It was so dark in there you couldn’t see your face in front of you.”
No, I don’t think Yogi said it. I read it many years ago in Reader’s Digest. But it’s just the sort of slightly-bent aphorism he was famous for.
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