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Heyyyy, that’s not Santa!


Noooo, it’s Geralt of Rivia cosplay. There’s a calendar. It promises to be NSFW. German dude is a full-time professional cosplayer. He’s super well suited to playing Geralt, but I think he’d struggle a little with Hello Kitty.

Oh, that star-shaped scar is on the wrong side. Funny thing to get wrong, Herr Professional. Nope, he’s right. Oops!

Did you see MTV’s vile racist “White Guy Resolutions for 2017” video today? They must’ve gotten some stick for it because they’ve taken it down already. Happily Reason magazine saved you a copy (be warned: Nick Gillespie does a bit of libertarian pearl-clutching in the accompanying article).

I also have something to say to white guys for 2017. Big, big fan of your work. Thanks for everything you do.


Comment from Jeff Weimer
Time: December 20, 2016, 8:04 pm

A bit?

Goth Fonzie needs to breathe in a bag.

Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: December 20, 2016, 10:42 pm

Is it wrong that the first thing I looked at was the calendar?

Is it wrong to confess to that?

Is it wrong to admit I was disappointed that there was no preview?

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: December 20, 2016, 11:13 pm

I couldn’t access the MTV video at the link above, but I found it at Legal Insurrection….


“Substitute any other group for White males, and there is no doubt that MTV would be the first make the accusation of racism and sexism.”

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 20, 2016, 11:15 pm

Beg pardon, Skandia! Here’s a preview.

Comment from Ric Fan
Time: December 21, 2016, 12:03 am

Been caught up reading this mostly London history blog:


Isabella, the She Wolf, is buried here and so is the Mad Maid of Kent. Great photos, drawings, and commentary.

Comment from Ric Fan
Time: December 21, 2016, 12:07 am

Here’s her twitter feed. She posts great stuff, mostly on cemeteries:


The dead – they are everywhere!

Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: December 21, 2016, 1:33 am

At first glance I thought that said Geraldo Rivera. I was very confused.

Comment from Bob B
Time: December 21, 2016, 3:55 am

So, I hear tomorrow is the Solstice. Isn’t that the day the Druids, Pagans, weirdos and flakes gather at Stonehenge for a massive … get together?

Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: December 21, 2016, 4:01 am

oh Miss Weasel. You shouldn’t have. I really didn’t need that.

He really is a handsome fellow.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: December 21, 2016, 4:17 am

I also have something to say to white guys for 2017. Big, big fan of your work. Thanks for everything you do.

You bet.

Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: December 21, 2016, 3:55 pm

Here is my by-now-traditional Christmas comment:

Since I rarely see anything like a “winter wonderland,” I’ve written my own lyrics to that song:

“Later on, we’ll perspire —
‘Is that A/C? Turn it higher!’
“We drive and we grump
“O’er potholes and bumps,
“Sweating in a sticky swampy land!”

My connection at home is slow, so I may not be able to drop in again before Christmas. I hope that you enjoy yours, Stoaty, and all your commenters!

Comment from Drew458
Time: December 21, 2016, 3:58 pm

Ric Fan – fascinating link, thanks for eating up my whole morning with this!

Epitome of Western Civ / white guy culture: Apollo 11, putting men on the moon July 20 1969, just 11 1/2 years after our very first orbital rocket that actually worked. It’s been downhill ever since. These days NASA’s main job is muslim outreach; just about every space program has been canceled.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: December 21, 2016, 4:07 pm

It’s like you are speaking a foreign language, but I do like looking at pictures of a handsome man.

I am home, finally. 500 miles in 8.5 hours. Very little road kill on this trip, but I did see a Golden eagle dining on a freshly demolished deer. That was a surprise, but Goldens winter in Palo Duro Canyon (in the Texas panhandle) and I was scooting along the edge of his territory. He stood up straight as I passed by and he was quite tall. It took 5 Mississippies for me to realize that I saw Golden eagle.

And I found fresh bobcat tracks while walking down to the mail box at my in-laws farm. About 2.5 inches wide. Bob has been eating very well.

Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: December 21, 2016, 5:28 pm


I drove to Palo Duro back in May of 2014, specifically to see it. Gorgeous. You’re motoring along that highway out of Canyon, there looks to be nothing but plains ahead of you, and suddenly the ground drops away on your right and there it is.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: December 22, 2016, 2:12 pm

Palo Duro Canyon is one of my favorite places, Wolfus Aurelius. I always hoped to build a modern dugout (one-room, earth-sheltered cabin powered with propane) on the south side of a private fork on the Palo Duro. Star-watching from the rim is pretty amazing.

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