Pupster: come out with your hands up. It’s all over.
Happy birthday to you.
I understand that you’re blue.
Well, you damn well oughta be,
Because it’s all over, Dog.
Today is Pupster’s 40th birthday. I hear he’s a little down about it — quite rightly. This is forty we’re talking here. The big Four Oh. Basically, all his hopes and dreams are dead and we’re just waiting for the undertaker to come cart them away.
So why not wander on over to his blog and wish him a happy birthday while we’re waiting. Or, you know, steal stuff or pee on the carpet or whatever. He’s old. He won’t notice.
He’s liveblogging the occasion. I’m going. I hear there’s booze. And bitter regrets.
Posted: April 16th, 2007 under blogging, booze, personal.
Comments: 2
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: April 16, 2007, 2:57 pm
I’m 40 as well, and to be honest I feel no different than I did at, say, 24. My health isn’t quite as good but I’m still just me.
Somewhere along this way I expected to become and adult, suddenly wiser and know what the hell I was doing. Have a goal, some sort of life. Turns out I’m just me and it never really turns out like that.
Happy birthday in any case!
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