At the sign of the poopin’ fox
Hey — HEY! — I didn’t make the ‘hole in one’ joke, did I?
Yeah, I’m reduced to the comedy animal photos. It’s Summertime and I’m AFK.
This photo reminds me. Uncle B was potting up some flars yesterday (he does a couple dozen pots every year, and very lovely they look around the house, too). He’d left behind the merest skiff of potting soil on the lawn. Jack the Cat came along, stuck a paw in it, decided It Was Good and took an enthusiastic crap in the middle.
Posted: July 6th, 2017 under animals, personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: July 6, 2017, 10:23 pm
There’s a 19th Hole Joke in this post and I just discovered it!
Comment from Bob B
Time: July 6, 2017, 11:03 pm
The pooping fox reminds me of the “new” rabbit in my garden.
Since our city started trapping and removing the coyotes, the rabbits have returned. I noticed odd shaped poop in my front yard. I went to get something to pick it up and when I came back I spotted the cottontail in my bushes. I’ve since seen it every few days.
I hope this doesn’t mean we’re also going to have more skunks. Then we’ll have to close the windows at night. Opening the windows at night helps us keep our electric bill down. Last year a skunk let loose outside our bedroom window and smell got inside the house and took a week to diminish. My wife bought a truckload of scented candles to help us tolerate it. We agreed that if the skunks return, we close the windows.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: July 6, 2017, 11:49 pm
My favorite is the video of the photog in Africa in an open top jeep. A cheetah jumped on to and started pooping in the moon roof. Quick thinking, the photog grabbed a coffee cup and caught it all.
I dont mind skunk smell. Then again, I dont have to deal with the full blast.
Comment from Bob B
Time: July 7, 2017, 12:00 am
Ric, within a minute or two, inside our entire house smelled like burning rubber, which is what concentrated skunk smells like. The smell attaches to the walls and ceilings and gets inside the air conditioner.
People at work avoided me. Which meant I got more work done.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: July 7, 2017, 12:48 am
Chuck Norris Vs Communism – a 1 hour doc. Pretty good. About the illegal underground movie scene in Romania. Now I know why everyone wanted to sell babies for vcrs when communism fell. It’s fun to see their reactions and hear their comments about American films:
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 7, 2017, 11:20 am
2nd law of holes?
Dig one and someone else will fill it with carp.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 7, 2017, 3:42 pm
Re: potting soil on the lawn. My friend ordered a dump-truck load of fresh top soil delivered to his old house to amend the lawn, and he said it looked like a cat convention at his house. The aroma of fresh soil must be irresistible to cats.
Comment from Tres Bribones
Time: July 7, 2017, 7:49 pm
We have red foxes too, I do not mind them so much because they are good at keeping wild turkeys at manageable levels, but it is the coons that earn my wrath very predictably.
The original ‘Murkan catmonkey.
Destructive even after “neutralization”. Once I had to buy a new windshield for the Suburban after an unfortunate ricochet. Chalked it up to “farming mishaps, miscellaneous”.
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