That’s the remains of the bomb that went off in the tube station this morning. It was a dud, though a number of people were superficially hurt. It could have been lethal.
There’s something very effing weird about this one. Initially, they didn’t raise the terror threat level at all. Then suddenly May comes out and cranks it up to the highest. I heard she sounded shook up. Who knows? We’re safe as anywhere, down here in our rural corner of Old Blighty. Nobody bombs sheep.
By the way, that’s a bucket in a ‘forever bag’. Do you have these things? Supermarkets are forbidden to give us free bags now; they’re required to charge 5p (which they pass on to charity, I think). Or, for 10p, most sell a much sturdier ‘forever bag’ that they will replace when it wears out.
This boneheaded move put at least one bag manufacturer out of business, adds a definite level of pain-in-the-assery to our weekly shop as we are forever collecting bags and moving them around, and means we have to buy bags for our small kitchen rubbish bin instead of re-using shopping bags. It’s just so emblematic of what’s wrong with our nannying classes.
A bomb on the tube in a forever bag. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Britain 2017.
Have a good weekend!
Posted: September 15th, 2017 under britain.
Comments: 22
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: September 15, 2017, 9:10 pm
Read that the terror level is critical – the highest. Also that troops will be on the streets tomorrow and will be guarding nuclear power plants. Have any nukes near you?
Yes, we have those crappy bags. The ones we must purchase rip before you even get to the exit. I have bought a number of $1 dollar ones which are better but also rip. There have been reports of salmonella/e-coli poisoning with these reusable bags. I hate environmentalists. Before the law even took effect, people knocked on my door wanting me to sign a petition to raise them to a quarter. smh
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 15, 2017, 9:21 pm
Yes, I’ve read that about the e-coli, as well. Meddling bastiches.
The maps I’ve looked at say we’re safely out of the blast radius of any nuke. The real worry is that France is mighty close and a HUGE proponent of nuclear power (I bet you don’t see that in the n ews), though fortunately the prevailing winds blow the other way.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: September 15, 2017, 10:43 pm
That’s the pre-fizzle IED that didn’t detonate?
Comment from xul’s fedora
Time: September 15, 2017, 11:33 pm
Where I live, we still get copious quantities of the plastic bags which we then use for garbage, so technically they *are* recycled/repurposed. 😉 Only the virtue signalling bloody do-gooders use those awful reusable bags. People don’t realize the filth and bacteria that are already on everything, then use those stupid things which just accumulate the filth. Blech.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: September 16, 2017, 12:40 am
We’re charged 5 cents/bag here. I found some reusable bags that stuff into their own keeper pod that we use because I refuse to give the nannies one more cent than I have to. The bags are washable, so that’s added another load to my laundry every week…but It gives me pleasure to give the nannies a middle finger every time I shop.
Comment from Mitchell
Time: September 16, 2017, 2:38 am
Here in the City of Sin we don’t have any such baggy issues…yet. That said, there’s a nigh unceasing flow of California Communists who flee their homeland to come here and vote in the same policies that made made them leave in the first place.
Y’all can make your own shopping bags with just learning a few crochet skills & some inexpensive cotton yarn. You can wash them with your towels.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 16, 2017, 1:29 pm
Having nailed a suspect trying to flee via Dover within 24 hours, now they can explain how Drumpf blabbing they already had a suspect was wrong.
Were they afraid the guy who did it would suspect he was a suspect?
Just awesome police and super duper communication and observation work I guess.
Glad the bugger botched his job. What was bad sounds as if it could have been horribly worse.
Now strap the no doubt Amish extremist across the muzzle of a 12lb gun and set his spirit free.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: September 16, 2017, 1:36 pm
I interpreted Trump’s remark as pre-emptively stating what they always say after a terror attack: Yes, we knew he was a terrorist, yes he was on a watch list, no, we didnt watch him, bc gosh darn there are too many terrorists in the UK. Seriously, isnt that the drill? Anyway, glad they caught him.
On a brighter note, been watching the series The Devil’s Crown on youtube. It stars a very young Brian Cox as Henry II. The best scene is when he is in bed with a woman, not Eleanor, yelling, I’ll ride you!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from Monty James
Time: September 16, 2017, 5:38 pm
California passed that fatherless lousy effing bag proposition last year. It’s mostly just added sixteen cents to each trip to the store for bags that are thicker plastic, and “reusable”. I never reuse them, and rarely see anyone else doing so. Did I mention that California was ruined when I was a kid by people moving here from other states? Thanks, other states.
We have a choice where I live between the sixteen-cent bags, and paper bags for ten cents. Sometimes I amuse the checkout girl by asking for a dime bag.
Did anyone else see the report that Harry Dean Stanton, the character actor, died a couple of days ago? I could have sworn there was something in the news about that a few months past.
Comment from Meeska Mooska
Time: September 16, 2017, 6:18 pm
>Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Britain 2017
Oh, my aching sides. Perfidious Albion reduced to farce through the blessings of artificially induced (((enrichment through equality))).
Look on the bright side though: things are gloriously majestic compared to the dystopian future of Spring of 2018.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: September 16, 2017, 10:29 pm
What has changed since 2012?
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 16, 2017, 11:12 pm
We recycle our bags when I pick up the “groceries” the Danes leave on the lawn. The real made to purpose dog bags cost a damn fortune, and are smallish. And the Danes leaven big groceries.
Comment from J.S.Bridges
Time: September 17, 2017, 9:28 am
First ran-up on this “we shall not supply you with (grocery/dry goods/wet goods/whatevah goods)ready-bagged-up, as was perhaps formerly the case – but, will be pleased to charge you for same if we are compelled to supply such, expecting you to then re-utilize same (and meanwhile, in general, afford us free advertising – as usual – on all such bags’ exteriors) – and would vastly prefer that you purchase the considerably-more-expensive-though-only-somewhat-to-slightly-more-durable-“better-quality” bags instead” scam quite some years ago, whilst living/working for a time overseas (in Germany, then in Sweden and then back to Germany for another go-round – all part of the mad-for-recycleables thing Over There, even some two decades ago…) – however, having been fore-warned, I had gone prepared in advance with a supply of rather-sturdy cloth and mesh quite-launderable “permanent” reusable carryalls, which generally worked quite well (when I remembered to take them with me, of course)…have not yet run into this as a necessity here in NC – but, we commonly re-purpose/”recycle” the common lightweight grocery, etc. bags in order to line trash receptacles, with the then-filled plastic “liners” going quite sanitarily into the dumpster bin…so, there’s that.
Those “forever bags” are a distinctly-poor and generally-unsanitary idea, overall…but the Political Lords And Masters are NOT To Be Gainsaid, y’know! –
Here’s hoping BREXIT definitely goes through to completion – then, perhaps the British may be able to at least somewhat-stem the tide of Creeping-Meatballisms that continue to bleed-in gradually out of the Continental Core, and are often-enough the originating mechanism for minor-league insanities/annoyances like this “Reuse Or Supply Your Own” thingy…
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: September 17, 2017, 5:39 pm
@J.S.Bridges – Thank you SO much for the reference to Creeping Meatballism. I remember reading the original Jean Shepherd article in 1957 in Mad Magazine. I was eight years old so only got part of it then, but re-reading it some years later made the term “stick”.
(Clicking on the link above takes you to the mag cover. Hit “Next Page” for the article.)
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: September 17, 2017, 6:54 pm
Addendum: Just think – Shepherd said that stuff SIXTY years ago.
Comment from drew458
Time: September 17, 2017, 7:08 pm
And today the London plod says, yes, we knew him all along, and arrested him just 2 weeks ago in the very same spot that he planted the bucket bomb in … but then we let him go. PS, he’s an Iranian refugee who has been living over here for years on your tax money, in a big house we just raided and found another bomb and a big bunch of guns. Thanks for your support and compassion.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: September 17, 2017, 11:52 pm
A neighbor said the cops had been to the house numerous times in the past few weeks, too. Read that they found 15 firearms where he was living. I thought the UK banned handguns? smh
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 18, 2017, 2:51 pm
It’s always better if “we knew about him” it seems.
This is a rather, to me, weird philosophy on demonstrating competency.
Based on the official reactions to these grand opportunities for London to ‘not to be beaten’ I’ve come to realize someone thinks knowing there was a lion hiding behind the tea service in the sitting room, and then having him eat Aunt Phryne one after just prior to tea, is somehow a better indicator of competency than if the lion, unbeknownst to all, wandered in from the neighbors menagerie to do Phyrne in.
“Ah yes, that lion” they say knowingly.
“We’ve had our eyes on him for a while now. Had him leashed but had to let him loose owing to the “for the benefit of refugee circus animals act”.
“But we knew about him, yes we did, and we’ve got him now, no fear”.
“bad job for old Phryne I suppose, but we will not be defeated.”
“now everyone carry on with the flowers and hugs and don’t be afraid to have a nice cup of tea in the sitting room!”
Comment from Steve
Time: September 18, 2017, 5:09 pm
They had him on a “watch list”.
So that’s what they did. They watched him.
It seems that the next step needs to be the development of some mechanism that moves people from the watch list to an “arrest list.”
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 19, 2017, 1:08 am
Dude, there is.
As soon as they kill someone they move to the arrest list.
You big silly.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: September 19, 2017, 1:33 pm
This am, my 99 cent forever bag sustained a 6″ rip while I was carrying a dozen eggs!
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