Dammit, eBay!
I didn’t need to see this: Winsor & Newton’s current limited edition teak oil paint box. Which is lovely.
Until you see Rosa Bonheur’s 19th C Winsor & Newton watercolor box.
Funny thing is, the modern box above is around £1,500. I found the exact same 1890 one as Rosa’s in an antique auction for around £500. The hitch? It was so pristine and beautiful, I could not possibly bear to use it!
My oil paints are currently in a cardboard box (I do have a nice japanned watercolor box, though!
Posted: January 18th, 2018 under personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from Niña
Time: January 19, 2018, 1:37 am
One of the good things about being on a fixed income is that I can’t even be tempted by cool things like this. One of the few good things. Maybe the only one. 😜
Comment from BJM
Time: January 19, 2018, 4:11 am
Stoatie, OT …but you has to see this.
The largest early world map stitched together virtually. Created by Urbano Monte, a 16th century geographer in 1587.
You can click through, scroll zoom to enlarge and examine each of the segments of the map in high resolution. I spent about an hour looking at all the fabulous details.
Tavola Prima. Libro Terzo is your neck of the woods.
Be forewarned that The Ramsey archive is a major time sink.
Comment from Malcolm Kirkpatrick
Time: January 19, 2018, 5:19 am
Wheeze, since you like banjo music, search youtube for The Dead South, In Hell I’ll be in Good Company.
Comment from lauraw
Time: January 19, 2018, 11:19 am
Mummy brown???
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 19, 2018, 2:27 pm
Neat article btw, Lauraw. How you been?
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: January 19, 2018, 2:45 pm
Ohhh—lovely old painting goodies. My favorite stores: art supply houses, blueprinters, and real camera stores. The assorted fragrances are filled with such promise. But camera stores don’t smell as good as they used to since the advent of digital cameras.
Stoaty—I’m glad you mentioned that watercolors could be used forever. I had not realized that, even though the only painting I have ever done is with watercolors. I inherited my second-father’s painting supplies, including his watercolors. I had not disturbed his watercolor palette, but I will be extra careful with it. He preferred oils, but we took a watercolor class together in the early 80s, so we had identical supplies. Although I used some of my watercolor brushes for sign painting.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: January 19, 2018, 3:36 pm
I always enjoy what I learn here… what a fascinating compendium of facts. I have been lost for hours now in follow-on clicks of paint boxes, maps, and pigments. Oh, and Deborah, you’re right – I miss the smell of photography shops, and I miss the smell of house paint stores (linseed oil??) but then I also miss the delicious scent of Pennsylvania Oil (paraffin based, not tar-based, like yer Texas crud, er crude) that used to permeate the air when we visited Oil City Pennsylvania where my grandfather lived. Oh, and we used to often picnic at Drake’s Wells https://aoghs.org/petroleum-pioneers/american-oil-history/ where the first Oil well was drilled,
and visit the remains of Pithole, an oil boom town that went from 0 to 20,000 residents in 3 years. http://www.onlyinyourstate.com/pennsylvania/pithole-pa/
Both my grandfather, and great grandfather worked in the Pennsylvania oil fields (except for short stints in Texas and Venezuela) and so Oil was in our blood, so to speak.
To close the circle, and ge back on topic, a lot of houses in the area were painted with crude oil!
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