Day 29: double
It’s amazing the facial expressions we impose on chickens. It’s in our DNA to interpret faces. Chickens have no expressions at all, in truth — their faces are entirely rigid and immobile. They express themselves with sounds and postures and behaviors.
But the goofy front view of a chicken’s face will never not be funny.
Posted: October 29th, 2018 under inktober.
Comments: 6
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: October 30, 2018, 1:15 am
I dunno. The bird on the right looks ever-so-slightly smarter than the bird on the left. 😉
Comment from catnip
Time: October 30, 2018, 4:56 am
Adorable! They’re disapproving Dame Edna look-alikes!
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: October 30, 2018, 4:50 pm
It’s funny because it’s always the same no matter what they’re looking at.
“Oh look! Some nice crunchy bugs for me to eat!”
“Oh look! Some nice chicken feed that Uncle Sam didn’t take from me! (Crumbs! Crumbs! what?)”
And the ever popular
“Oh look! Farmer Bob coming out to the chicken run with an ax. I wonder what that’s about?”
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: October 30, 2018, 8:52 pm
That is, after all, how things normally go for the Right and the Left, isn’t it, Debbie HH???
Comment from Armybrat
Time: October 30, 2018, 11:39 pm
I love this drawing! Will you make files available to upload or where can I buy this file to upload and have a canvas printed. Actually, I know where to get the canvas printed.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: October 31, 2018, 1:09 pm
Seeing double is
A sign this nasty gin is
A real good vintage.
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