Was there supposed to be a super wolf blood moon?
Because there was totally a super wolf blood moon. Or something.
I went to put the recycling out, and the moon was huge and close and a dark, dark red. Never seen anything like it. I ran in for Uncle B, but by the time he got there it was merely orange. Still cool, but not what it was.
The photo is a fake. I stole it and faked it up. Poor old B goes flying out with the camera every time the moon does something cool, but it’s hopeless without a tripod and astronomy rig and all that. It’s not like it would work in black and white anyway.
I tried to find if this thing was predicted. Apparently not, so it was just probably a local ‘particulates in the air’ kind of thing. I did discover that last series of blood moons was tied to a Biblical apocalyptic prophecy.
I guess four years since the last one is long enough to assume it ain’t going to happen after all. Pity. Now the only apocalypse I have to look forward to is Brexit.
Posted: February 20th, 2019 under personal.
Comments: 7
Comment from technochitlin
Time: February 20, 2019, 9:17 pm
I’m willing to bet a large amount of someone else’s money 🙂 that Brexit will be the saving of England…
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: February 20, 2019, 10:04 pm
“Pity. Now the only apocalypse I have to look forward to is Brexit.”
Well, how casual you are about it all Missus Weasel-Badger!
Go on!
Ignore how your chicken’s farts are filling our
atmosphere with chicken fart gases known by the State of California to cause:
Cancer, Global Warming, Trump voting, Mudslides, Earthquakes, Forest Fires, Gender Repression and other assorted maladies that will afflict us all to deathness!
Just ignore the coming floodheatingpockalypse!
(insert hysterically rising voice here)
as the whole earth goes underwater from the melted fiordish glaciers!
(insert foam and spittle here)
and boils us like a bunch of frogs (not a slur against the French) in a pot on the stove!
(insert thud noise as blood pressure spikes and causes cerebral hemorrhage while DurnedYankee’s forehead slams into his keyboard)
the end – pockalypse averted.
Comment from BJM
Time: February 20, 2019, 10:13 pm
Yeah, it must have been local atmospheric particulates…the media has been hyperventilating over a Super Snow Moon for days.
The moonlight was so silvery, hard and bright that it was kinda eerie.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 20, 2019, 10:24 pm
You WOULD NOT BELIEVE the constant stream of bullshit we’re getting about Brexit.
Well, only…I’m not. I *never* listen to the BBC any more.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: February 20, 2019, 11:32 pm
Why, stoaty? Are you feeling witchy?
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: February 20, 2019, 11:32 pm
I think the moon set off our Canary alarm last night. Between the moon light and the breeze, our palm tree fronds made big blobs of moving light and shadow that shined through the patio doors, faking out the Canary. Woke me up at 3:30 and I couldn’t get back to sleep.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: February 21, 2019, 2:12 am
You WOULD NOT BELIEVE the constant stream of bullshit we’re getting about Brexit.
Well, only…I’m not. I *never* listen to the BBC any more.
Oh yes we would – we’re getting the same over the idea we ought to have some kind of actual border for the country.
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