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Gosh, is it Flying Ant Day again already?

One day only! Sexy flying ants!

No seriously, they can only fly one day a year. Then their wings drop off and they die. But, hey, first they get the biggest 24-hour orgy in all of insectitude!

I’ve posted about this before (photo: mine). Contrary to legend, it doesn’t happen on the same day all over Britain, but it tends to be a muggy day toward the end of July. Like what this is.

I haven’t seen any in East Sussex yet, but they’ve shown up in West Sussex. In fact, they’re showing up on radar in West Sussex. The Met Office thought it was rain at first, but they knew it was dry all along the South coast.

Do follow the link and see the radar (but be warned, it opens a Tweet).


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 18, 2019, 10:55 pm

Flying and dying AND OT at the same time.

Did you see KLM had to apologize for revealing where on a jet you were most likely to die if it crashes.

I assume they highlighted the entire passenger compartment and the cockpit, but maybe they used red highlighter for the seats nearest to the fuel tanks.

But they had to apologize anyway.

Do they have termites over in Old blighty?
It’s just gobs of fun when they swarm, in your living room, near the fireplace.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: July 19, 2019, 3:10 am

Flying Ant Day, she said.

It’ll be fun she said…..

Is no one else unsurprised that Durn Yankee would rather talk about dying in a plane crash than Flying Ants?

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 19, 2019, 11:55 am

It was a slow brain day. Most of them are really.

Heh, you should have seen my rant on a chain of restaurants discovering that raising the minimum wage to $15 led directly to their current bankruptcy.

the punch line is that the unicorns failed to deliver the magic gold.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: July 19, 2019, 12:55 pm

There was a comedian—I can’t remember his name—who did a bit about always sitting in the last row of an airplane cabin because you never heard about the back end of an airplane backing into a mountain.

But it doesn’t matter to me: I stopped flying seven years ago after a near-miss at 30 something thousand feet on an eastbound Southwest flight. We encountered a west-bound AirTrans plane in the same lane. One of us was definitely in the wrong place. I took that as a cosmic sign to stop flying. It has simplified my life enormously 🙂

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: July 19, 2019, 2:52 pm

Back of the plane, definitely. The joke used to be that’s where they put the smokers, who were more likely to survive a crash.

I’m not sure exactly what the joke is, but I always found it funny.

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