No, that’s not sinister at all…
Yipe! This appeared along my daily commute near a park. It was signed by the local county council.
Subtle. Polite. Not at all heavy-handed.
Happy to say, it wasn’t up more than a day or so. And no, local owners are not particularly bad about cleaning up after their doggoes. I hope one of them took it down, indignantly.
Good weekend, everyone. This may be our last weekend of summer-ish weather 🙁
Posted: September 20th, 2019 under britain.
Comments: 6
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: September 20, 2019, 8:57 pm
“We’re from the govt, we’re in charge, and we’re here to make sure you obey us.”
And they can’t be bothered to be grammatically correct:
Report to the council those who don’t clean up after their
dogdogsto the council
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: September 20, 2019, 9:27 pm
Hopefully next week there will be a similar one for cat staff!!! The UK don’t need unwrapped Tootsie Rolls all over the place…
Comment from tomfrompv
Time: September 20, 2019, 10:56 pm
So I have an art questions. I’ve never seen a person with such dark lower lids AND only dark half circles. This isn’t biologically possible, I don’t think.
There should be puffy bags, completely dark, to go with those lower lids. I call BS on this ad. Some artist did a very bad job. Or maybe it was an intern putting on makeup for the photo.
The grammar seems very American to me. Our English teachers would pass the student that write that!
In SoCal dog poop is everywhere in the low economic areas; but in little blue bags on the curbs in the suburbs.
Cats have special rules, they dump anywhere with impunity.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: September 21, 2019, 3:59 pm
Big Sister is watching your dog’s ass…..
And she wants you, Citizen, to help her
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 22, 2019, 7:19 pm
if he had lashes inked around his right eye (his right, our left) I’d think we were looking at Alex the Droog.
I’m not sure if I want the smiling “Mr Friendly (threatening) Police Constable” like figure ‘watching me’, or this one who looks like he might be planning on breaking down your door at 2AM and being extremely belligerent after he’s slammed back 9 pints of Ol’ Something Crummy.
Oh, wait, I don’t want either of them.
Comment from dissent555
Time: September 25, 2019, 3:30 am
I wouldn’t mind if someone arrested and fined the clod who doesn’t clean up after their dog on my block. I keep the grass well mowed. I don’t need to have to dance around their dog’s pooh.
A day of public shaming in the local stocks would be a suitable alternative.
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