Saved the big boy for New Year’s Day
The fourth and final cockerel: Albert. You get a sense of the scale of him standing next to Po. He was always double the size of the other chicks; I’m not convinced he’s a bantam. Bear in mind this was months ago, he’s much bigger and shaggier now.
He did actually have Pol written on his shell, and that’s what I called him until he developed that giant, preposterous white crest.
You’d think being such a great hulk he could defend himself, but no. Before I had to separate the boys completely, I would frequently come out to find Albert missing. The pekin boys would have chased him right out of the garden, and I had to trudge around the neighborhood in welly boots calling his name, to find him standing someplace awkward, patiently waiting for me. It usually involved stinging nettles.
He’s a sweetheart, but he’s too big for my flock. Too big for the girls, too big for the cages. I had someone lined up to take him, but she had another cockerel foisted on her the week before. It didn’t work out.
I do the best that I can for him, but it’s awkward.
p.s. he goose-steps.
Posted: January 1st, 2020 under animals, birds.
Comments: 3
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: January 1, 2020, 9:30 pm
Well, with a name like that, you could build him his own hall.
You could call it
Big Boy Hall, or Cockerel Hall.
No, that’s not right, surely there’s a famous alternative…
Let’s see, hmmm…
No, just not coming to me.
Then we could wonder how many holes from Blackburn Lancashire it would take to fill it.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: January 1, 2020, 11:34 pm
He’s a pretty boy! My sister’s boy, Goliath, is same in shape and pompadour. Goliath is a remarkable mottled gray, tho. Really looks like marble. But he’s an asshole…I might have mentioned this before. He’s a crowing, strutting, pecking asshole.
Comment from weasel again
Time: January 2, 2020, 11:04 am
Albert is sweet. All my polands are. You have to talk to them before you touch them because their startle reflexes are cranked up to 11, but they’re easy to pick up and do as you like.
The pekins, on the other hand, are sneaky and flighty and do not like to be handled.
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