Eye see ewe
They’re cleaning the Ghent Altarpiece, a spectacularly beautiful and important early oil painting. If it doesn’t ring a bell, you’d definitely recognize bits of it if you saw them.
When they gave the panels a good high-tech examination, they were shocked to find about 70% of it had been overpainted a hundred years later, nobody knows why or by whom. It went unnoticed for so long because the techniques and materials were so close to the original. So they decided to peel off the later additions.
And they discovered THE LAMB OF GOD IS SCARY AS HELL. This is such a weird departure for the Van Eyck brothers, who were famous as the first painters who carefully observed and faithfully reproduced the natural world. Their original lamb is just acll kind of wrong. Though it does explain why the lamb had four ears in the overpainted version. (Comparison of the before and after).
It’s apparently going viral on the Internet now. Because of course it is.
Posted: January 22nd, 2020 under personal.
Comments: 3
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: January 22, 2020, 10:58 pm
Maybe they just weren’t very good at painting sheep, you know?
And so they brought in a ringer (there’s a pun for Ozzy Sheep shearers ) to paint a new one.
Comment from gebrauchshund
Time: January 22, 2020, 11:35 pm
I’ve always found the horizontal pupils of sheep and goats to be way more freaky than the vertical pupils of cats and snakes. Don’t know why, but they just seem wrong.
Comment from Teej
Time: January 24, 2020, 2:48 am
They actually ruint that Before by scraping it off?!
Bet they feel silly now.
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