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Expensive creepy machines

The Met has got a show on at the moment called Making Marvels. It’s about two hundred years worth of eye-wateringly expensive things European royalty commissioned between 1550 and 1750. If you click either the catalogue or the picture album links on the page I linked above, you get a 404 error.

Boo, the Met.

Fortunately, I found their YouTube playlist. Don’t miss the famous draughtsman — with his clothes off, no less.

Lots of cool things to see on their Twitter hashtag, as well.

Yes, I’m still haunting Twitter for news of the coronavirus. Today in town, a family of Chinese tourists stopped me to ask directions and I ’bout came out of my skin. If one of the buggers had coughed…


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 27, 2020, 9:27 pm

Oooh! Nice! I’m sure I’ll be wasting spending time looking at this stuff this evening. Thanks!

Now I got good news and bad news about those 404 errors. The good news is that after looking at the catalog link off to the left I noted that the difference was that it specified “store.metmuseum.org” whereas the one yielding the 404 specified “www.metmuseum.org”. Change that one name index and Bob’s yer uncle. The bad news is that all you get is an opportunity to spend money without seeing the contents. Fooey.

Comment from OldFert
Time: January 27, 2020, 10:02 pm

This URL will provide videos and written description:


Toward the bottom of the page there’s three choices for Overview, Guide, and Objects.

Nifty stuff. When I get a bit more time I’ll check out their youtube channel.

Thanks, Weasel

Comment from Subotai Bahadur
Time: January 28, 2020, 12:20 am

Sweas, we are watching too. Interestingly enough, AFTER the first day’s public Chinese New Year festivities, the sponsoring organization in Denver cancelled it. We are still having our family feast, but I am not too worried. From what I can see, it takes more than chance exposure to get it. Next year, I’m making no bets.

Subotai Bahadur

Comment from BJM
Time: January 28, 2020, 3:50 pm

It’s scary fer sure, the Spousal Unit came through SFO fours before a confirmed case. Fortunately the in-bound Asian flights arrive mid-day 1:00 PM-2:00-ish and SP’s in the early morning…but still it makes one uncomfortable. I packed many packets of sanitizer in the office carry-on with orders to wipe everything before being touched.

Comment from BJM
Time: January 28, 2020, 3:53 pm

Stoaty, how cold is it there? The Sun was predicting the coldest day of the year with snow tomorrow in your neck of the woods.

BTW- anyone have Nicholas Parsons in the DP?

Comment from Drew458
Time: January 28, 2020, 5:26 pm

I’m trying to keep up with the Wuhan virus news at my blog but it’s an awful lot of work; so many stories coming in so fast. today’s post so far. Sorry for the self-promotion.

So, is it true that the new season of Dr. Who is really REALLY terrible? We don’t get the new episodes over here until the season is over, over there.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 28, 2020, 7:23 pm

No cold at all, BJM. It’s been a weirdly mild winter so far, though I gather it may get colder. We’ve only had frost half a dozen times.

You can drop a link in my comments any time, Drew *winky-winky*. Ha! I saw where the Chinese government was mad about the Danes putting viruses on their flag.

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