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Not so sure about this ‘going outside’ thing

Wellington was allowed out for the first time today. He’s not entirely sure about it.

He wouldn’t go more than a foot or two from the back door until I finally picked him up and carried him around front, to the garden proper.

It wasn’t raining (for once), though everything is persistently wet. He skulked around in the shadows for an hour and then asked to come in.

He will learn to love it, I can see that. But it’s all a bit much for a little pussycat wot’s never been allowed out before.

The chickens lost their shit. He didn’t even chase them, he just ran across the garden near them. One excitable girl flew ten feet in the air and twenty feet forward and had to be coaxed out of the hedge with a handful of cracked corn. And then they all screamed for the rest of the afternoon.

He looks like a little weasel, to be honest.


Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: March 12, 2020, 10:47 pm

This is easily explained.

Are your chickens at all French?

Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: March 13, 2020, 1:53 pm

Maud Dib

The toilet paper must flow!

Who controls the toilet paper, controls the Universe.

Comment from Zoomyn
Time: March 13, 2020, 4:06 pm

Make sure yon cat doesn’t think you’ve given him the entire great outdoors! Make yourself picnic snacks and claim a chunk of yard, then allow young Master Weazly a choice to attend or not, the choice to get snacks or not, and that returning into the house is mandatory part of the ceremony… repeat until there is a wee Weazley sized chunk of ground worth orbiting & defending 🙂

Wellington is a good name for a little weasel with a blonde streak 🙂

Comment from ea in ga
Time: March 13, 2020, 8:33 pm

My cat was feral for the first 6 months of her life. Now, she will not go outside. You can leave the door open and she wont go near it. She loves the sunroom but has become a dedicated house cat. Which is great because we have every cat eating predator found in North America here.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: March 13, 2020, 9:22 pm

My Romanian friend (who can be a bit crude sometimes) explained the sudden demand for toilet paper thus:

“Every time somebody coughs, five people shit themselves have a sudden need for toilet paper.”

Comment from AliceH
Time: March 13, 2020, 10:04 pm

ea in ga: My cat is the same, though it was only her first 2 months that were in the wild. When an outside door is open, she presses herself up against the door jam before sneaking a look around, as though afraid she’ll get sucked out into the void. She loves the screened in back porch, but won’t venture out on the open front porch.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: March 14, 2020, 4:58 am

“He looks like a little weasel, to be honest.”

So does that make him Weasel’s weasel?

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