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Several wifi technical issues and a naked transsexual porn star

It’s Mayday. The communists are communicating, the socialists are socializing.

Nope. No idea what that means. I woke up with it running through my head, thinking, “I say, Weasel! How droll!”

Today was neither as unpleasant as yesterday nor as productive as I hoped. I’m still +1 on the rodent offsets, but the night is young. I got my re-imaged machine back but, as I remembered, that external Linksys USB wifi dealie is the shits. It couldn’t get a decent signal in the stairwell looking out the window at the building next door. (When I used it at home, it couldn’t consistently hold a signal when placed directly on top of the router).

There was, however, a tantalizingly strong signal coming from right inside the building. Wide open. I emailed around to see if anybody knew what it was. Finally, I plucked up the courage and connected to it. Up came the company logo and login. Also a scary “business purposes only” warning. Huh. So they’re providing us with wifi now.

So! I’ve got a PCMCIA card I can try in the business laptop. Or I can give it another go with my ThinkPad (which I have this evening rescued from the clammy embrace of Linus Torvalds. I like Linux, but I’ve never gotten the damn thing working right). Problem with both of those options is…where does the antenna go? No smartassery from you in the back. Finally, I can try to jack into the provided wifi signal using some kind of tunneling software so they can’t see what I’m up to.

My technical problems are boring. But then, so is not being able to surf the internet.

Meanwhile, this here feller is Buck Angel, the Man with a Pussy, currently the world’s only (incomplete) female-to-male transsexual pornstar. No, I don’t remember how I got here, but it’s dark and I’m all by myself and I’m cold and scared. Can somebody come pick me up? I want to go home now.

Sometimes the internet makes me feel like crying.


Comment from SteamBoat McGoo
Time: May 1, 2007, 5:18 pm

Uh, Weasel – You’re not in Kansas anymore. Call 911. You are in peril.

…and the power here just glitched. Rats.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 1, 2007, 5:24 pm

I thought his back tattoo said “Perfect” but on second glance, I realize it says “Pervert.”

Second glance.

Lord forgive me, yes…I had a second glance.

Comment from SteamBoat McGoo
Time: May 1, 2007, 6:56 pm

You could go blind. Worse, you could drive away minions who will look askance at a web site that puts stuff like that up. Just sayin’. Is he/she smokin’ a cigar? Strange.

(I like the word “askance”. It sounds like what it is, no matter which way you pronounce it. Words should sound like what they represent.)

Weatherdotcom says more crap is gonna hit the windmill here. Boo. I will be powering down for the duration. Lost a monitor last year to one of those glitches. It was actually hilarious, but you had to be there.

Comment from Gnus
Time: May 1, 2007, 7:30 pm

If you get down to moving the foil from a cigarette package up and down the rabbit ears to get a good signal, I’m here for ya. Mucho experiencio with that.

The PCMCIA, etc., not so much.

IIRC, the first two guys to undergo the M to F surgery died of breast cancer. Talk about irony.

Comment from SteamBoat McGoo
Time: May 1, 2007, 8:39 pm

It’s that estrogen stuff. Man was not intended to trifle with it.

But Weasels photo is a F to M. I wonder if (s)he’s been kicked in the spheres yet? I’d be interested in a (former) woman’s opinion of that particular stunningly agonizing sensation. Nothin’ quite like it.

(BTW: weatherdotcom says the worst is over.)

I’m quite confident that if Weasel connects a good antenna structure onto that pcmcia card he’ll have signals galore. But where/how to hide or disguise the antenna? He said he’s surrounded by engineers and trainers and cooties. They see everything.

Of course, if he’ll just tell the engineers, they’ll probably help him – if they know 2.4/5.0 GHz rf stuff and elementary antenna theory.

The wavelength of this stuff is only a few inches, so we’re not talking CB antenna.

He could build a biquadratic and turn it into an art piece. They already look like an abstract sculpture in wire and planes.

Comment from jwpaine
Time: May 1, 2007, 8:40 pm

Thanks! I went all day feeling like something was missing, and you’ve discovered exactly what it was: That eerie sensation of being totally creeped out.

Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: May 1, 2007, 10:50 pm

Sadly, I couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to click on the link. Gah!

My new favorite word is scrum (went to a rugby game last week).

Comment from SteamBoat McGoo
Time: May 2, 2007, 7:05 am

Were your retinas damaged?
No – never mind. I don’t want to know.

Comment from lizardbrain
Time: May 2, 2007, 7:54 am

As far as indelibility goes, this has “meaty urologists” beat all to heck. TI has far more courage than me; I’m not about to click on that link

Now I gotta go find some… cuter stuff on the intertubes, to try to flush the image from my mind. Yeah, that’s it. I’m just flushing images.

Comment from TattooedIntellectual
Time: May 2, 2007, 8:57 pm

It’s not courage, it’s a nasty case of curiosity. Life motto: Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought it back! Sometimes a little more singed than before.

Comment from Frit
Time: September 13, 2010, 7:38 am

Hey TI, you’re not the only one who is curious. I had to find out – reading the text only section – the “about me” part – to find out what was so unique about that individual. Odd, but what ever rocks his boat.

Oh, and it was ignorance that killed the cat. Curiosity was framed. 😆

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