Pulling faces
Well, I see Anthony Hopkins is handling the lockdown well. The scarlet of his cheeks is really bringing out the blue of his eyes.
My dad did a lot of that toward the end of his life: gurning into his ipad. I’m not sure why. He couldn’t see himself, he was making faces at me. It’s like he was saying, “look, honey! I’m an old man! Amazing!”
It must be fun to be a famous villain. I’d have no end of game glaring at people. Margaret Hamilton, described as the nicest woman in Hollywood, said kids on the street would run away from her screaming. I wonder if she ever shouted after them, “and your little dog, too!”
Link goes to Twitter. I’ve decided my spleen can only take Twitter in five-minute chunklets. My desire to know what’s going on is perfectly balanced against the rage-making insanity that is social media.
Posted: November 24th, 2020 under personal.
Comments: 5
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: November 24, 2020, 11:11 pm
“gurning” from “to gurn.” Actually a word. Impressive!
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: November 25, 2020, 1:29 am
O Joy! Although it is new to me, the OED has usage examples for gurn/girn/gern/gyrne going back to 1375. My favorite is more recent:
1837 R. Nicoll Poems (1843) 133 She’s girnin’ at e’enin’ — she’s girnin’ at morn — a’ hours o’ the day in my flesh she’s a thorn.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 25, 2020, 1:51 am
I wish that video was longer. I’m certain if we’d waited a bit his tongue would have flicked out and licked his eyebrow. Though he couldn’t possibly do that as well as Zuckerberg does it.
Now tell us where you happened on the word “gurning”.
That ain’t normal ya know.
Ah, I see…gurning contests.
And to think people mock Texans for cowchip tossing contests and armadillo racing.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 25, 2020, 7:11 pm
Gurning contests. Correct.
Comment from Mitch
Time: November 26, 2020, 1:30 am
Like something out of David Lynch’s “Eraserhead”. I only got maybe 45 minutes through that one. Brrr.
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