Good for you, sir
I see you managed to gnaw through the straps and escape the Home.
Zo! I’ve been dipping in and out of the information stream (treat yourself to at least the beginning of the Pennsylvania hearings today).
One of the weirdest factoids is the rumor about Biden’s $200 tax on rifles. Digging around, it’s unclear who started it. It’s kind of on his website: he says he wants ‘assault rifles’ registered like machine guns are, and I guess the fee is $200 to register a machine gun.
But somebody put those ideas together and put them out there, like he was going to issue an immediate EO or something, and it wasn’t his campaign.
Somebody is trying to make gun people big mad, just when gun people are already huge mad. Hmm.
Posted: November 25th, 2020 under politics.
Comments: 6
Comment from Sk.Y M-39
Time: November 25, 2020, 8:45 pm
The National Firearms Act of 1934 was intended to ban all firearms, but it was a bridge too far for Roosevelt, who settled for Machineguns, Short Barreled Rifles and Shotguns, and Silencers (Yes I know the cool kids call them suppressors, but the .gov calls them this) For no other reason than some idiot thought poachers could use them to take illegal game.
It costs $200 in Tax to manufacture or transfer an item listed above unless it is to a government agency. They are registered and maintained by the NFA Branch. The errors and misdeeds that have occurred with this registry are legend, by both the .gov and idiots. Remember a mistake is 10 years in club Fed.
The manufacture of any of these items (with the exception of Machineguns) was not and is not illegal, only taxed. Even machine guns are legally possessed, used and traded by citizens. The government has, since 1986, been unable to receive tax payments for new machine guns for private citizens due to the Hughes Amendment to the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986, signed by Reagan. It was a last minute “poison Pill” supposed to kill the legislation, but it didn’t. Transfers from preson to person or dealer to person require: $200 Tax, Passport Photos, two sets of fingerprint cards and a completed Form 4 (For Transfer of an NFA Item) or Form 1 (To manufacture an NFA item) Approval takes anywhere from 1 week (Yup got two eform Form 1’s back that fast) to over a year, with the average running 7-11 months.
Biden proposes modifying the NFA to include semiautomatic firearms and other weapons capable of using magazines that contain more than 10 rounds. And include the magazines as a separate registered end item under the NFA. So, $200 for a semiautomatic rifle (AR, AK, Browning anything really), $200 for a Semiauto pistol (if it can hold a magazine greater than ten rds) That includes… all of them, Glock 19, M&P just all of them. And then the Piece D’Resistance, $200 for each consumable magazine the citizen would retain that could hold more than 10 rounds.
Sorry so long, I think it requires legislation to execute, but I don’t trust any of it. It’s ugly and senseless provocation with no legitimate goal other than creating felons out of law abiding citizens.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: November 26, 2020, 12:00 am
Not that I would approve of such a thing, no-no-no-no, Heaven forbid, but one could easily spend less time in prison for murdering an enabling legislator or bureaucratic enforcer than for multiple NFA violations.
Comment from Pupster
Time: November 26, 2020, 12:31 am
The run on firearms and ammo started in March, and has actually accelerated to the point where it is hard to find what used to be commonly available. What is available has increased in cost by a bunch.
Mrs. Pupster has taken to hiding my debit card when she sees me shopping for guns and ammo.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 26, 2020, 12:01 pm
And it’s just a darn shame the number of registered firearms that have fallen out of boats and canoes over the years.
Think of all that revenue the government could have gotten from taxing those if they weren’t rusting at the bottom of some lake or pond, or accidentally buried in a tragic excavation accident.
Not that the current government needs to actually receive money in order to turn around and spend it. We can’t be out of money because we just printed a new batch of checks for the checkbook.
As for the people trying to stir up trouble, there’s more reason to believe that might be those who want to tax or confiscate them than those who think we have a right to own them. And would be perfectly happy for casualties in provoking a reaction. I have three words to explain that line of reasoning.
Fast and Furious.
Did I say we? Oh, sadly all mine fell overboard in that canoe accident.
But this is the perfect environment for the fear mongers and profiteers to stir up trouble across the spectrum. Raise cash to ‘stop’ this or that, generate fear and cause further fracturing in the foundations of society with their promises if you only sign on and follow them. Look at all the money the “Republican” party probably raised this time around just so it could completely cave in contesting the possibility of actual voting fraud.
Next on the list – crossbows!
But they’ll only take my Constitutionally protected longbow when they pry it from my gnarled arthritic fingers!
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 26, 2020, 12:08 pm
Oh, don’t forget pikes and swords. Perfectly valid Constitutionally protected ‘arms’ that were completely understood by the founding fathers.
Try walking around with one.
Comment from BJM
Time: November 26, 2020, 4:44 pm
@Durned Seems there’s a lot of formerly unreported canoe accidents nowadays.
BTW- Kraken released today in Georgia…we shall see.
We are just two for dinner this year and we decided to eat the pumpkin pie cooling on the counter for dinner last night. It felt wonderfully wicked!
Happy Turkey Day y’all!
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