Poland Express ready for takeoff
My boy Po flapping his flappers.
It was nice out today. Warm in the sun, still cold in the shade.
I tried chasing the chickens around the garden with the lawnmower, but my mower is unwell. It’s the first mow of the year and motor catches but peters out immediately.
I know not to put old gas in it (it goes off), though there was a little bit left from last year. I’m now working on the theory the air filter is clogged. I have washed it and am waiting for it to dry. That gives me at least one more day of not mowing the stupid lawn.
Posted: April 27th, 2021 under animals, birds.
Comments: 11
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 27, 2021, 9:08 pm
I can give you the name of a very nice gentleman who mows lawns.
Comment from p2
Time: April 27, 2021, 9:27 pm
That sounds more like water in your tank from condensation inside the tank. Common problem here. There’s enough oomph in the gas to fire the engine, but it’s sucking the water out if the bottom of the carb bowl once it gets running. Either drain the tank or find a bit of isopropyl alcohol to pour in there. Iso will bind with the water and allow the engine to spit it out. Don’t use rubbing, denatured or vodka. Iso should be available at your local petrol station as Heet, Drygas, or something along those lines.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 27, 2021, 9:33 pm
Thank you, p2. I’ll see what the equivalent is here.
I thought isopropyl and denatured were the same thing.
Comment from The Neon Madman
Time: April 27, 2021, 9:45 pm
Denatured alcohol is ethanol. It is “denatured” (poisoned) to prevent people from drinking it.
Comment from blake
Time: April 27, 2021, 10:02 pm
Show me…show me…lawn mower air filters…I must know everything!
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: April 27, 2021, 10:38 pm
P2 has it exactly I think. The are lots of commercial products available- here in the U.S. the generic name is Dry-Gas. God knows what they call it but in ye olde Petrol land
However Amazon has several products that answer to the summons for dry-gas. You could look it up on Amazon there and then go to your local “Hardware Store” and buy some. It is most assuredly alcohol as P2 said s but sometimes it’s easier to find in that form than asking a Brit about “alcohol but not the kind you drink”.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 28, 2021, 2:04 am
Thinking ahead to next year, I can recommend a product called STA-BIL Storage Fuel Stabilizer. At the end of mowing season you put some in the mower fuel tank, top up the tank with fuel, and the machine will start right up the following spring (unless there’s something else gone bad during the winter).
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 28, 2021, 11:08 am
There’s so much irony in putting ethanol in a gasoline engine so it will start.
That’s probably because it does work better than water though.
Until the GREEN MIRACLE comes and we can get our electricity from the air by magic to power all the products we’ll use while we sup largely on our fanatic vegan diets!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, luxury!
Well, the reality is we’ll probably sit huddled in our hovels wrapped in tattered moving-blanket quilts, gnawing raw root vegetables by dim plant wax candlelight (You there! You don’t need more than one!), while we wait for our betters to send their thugs round to our squalid little villages to drag us off to our daily drudge work on their estates. Quiet there, it’s for your own good!
Comment from BullDawgGuy
Time: April 28, 2021, 4:00 pm
Looks like you have good advice. I believe it is the gas. But small chance you need to clean the sparkplug or replace it. Sometimes the choke function is not working properly in the carburetor. It is very rare that the air filter would cause a problem around the mower starting and running at an idle speed. But its a good excuse to put off mowing for a day.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 28, 2021, 4:10 pm
JavaMan bought a battery-powered lawn mower last month. The mower is much less noisy, and cuts our thick lawn grass easily. The handle folds down over the top of the mower and it can be stored upright on the front end, so it has a very small footprint in the garage. He hasn’t been this happy since he bought his first Palm Pilot.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 29, 2021, 1:48 am
@durnedyankee — lovely imagery.
Q. What did the serfs use before plant wax candles?
A. Electric lights.
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