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A Mr Peabody sort of day

Elbow pain woke me up this morning. Elbow pain. Then I discovered my hands didn’t work properly. Then it travelled to my other elbow (which was a relief, I could stop thinking ‘stroke’). And then it dawned on me I had a trapped nerve.

Radiculopathy, which sadly doesn’t mean ridiculous and pathetic. Had it before, went to a physio, got some exercises which I do with enthusiasm until the pain goes away. Never had symptoms all the way down to my fingers before. This sucks.

So while I’m a monkey (my thumbs are no longer opposable), please enjoy this illustration from my favorite contemporary cartoonist, MK Brown. I see she’s fleshed out her website since I last checked. Start with cartoons.

Look at a bunch. You need a biggish dose to get the flavor.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: May 21, 2021, 8:05 pm

Ooh, ow. Very sorry to hear you’ve got a nerve problem. They can be both painful and frustrating (I’ve got a couple of issues myself). May your exercising and treatment give you relief RIGHT DAMNED NOW!

Comment from BJM
Time: May 21, 2021, 9:03 pm

Bummer…maybe it’s the weather, youse guys are getting hammered. It’s unseasonably cold and windy on the West Coast too.

Comment from BJM
Time: May 21, 2021, 9:19 pm

I’m dropping a second comment to avoid Akismet’s ire.

I slept very cold and woke with rotator cuff pain…an old injury impinges the nerve everso often. Do you know about Bob & Brad? “Most Famous Physical Therapists on the Internet” In our opinion of course!!!”

I enjoy their dry, self-depreciating humour, and simple easy to do exercises. I do their shoulder and balance set daily.

Anyhoo, here’s their elbow series.

One more thing…do you have a TENS unit, they work.

Comment from dissent555
Time: May 21, 2021, 9:45 pm

I was having bad shoulder pain a couple years ago. Thought I was going to need medical intervention. Then I realized that when I was driving in my car I was pressing down my elbow into the center console. All the time. I actively stopped doing that and over a couple of weeks the shoulder pain just disappeared. I was thinking it a work related ergonomic issue and it was what I was doing during the drive to and from work that was causing the problem.

Things are just becoming more troublesome as I get older.

Comment from OldFert
Time: May 21, 2021, 10:10 pm

Have you checked on kinesiology taping for pain reduction? My years-ago physical therapist used it to ease some pain. Forgot about it, then got some k-tape as an extra in a Walmart or Amazon or CVS box. I’ve got enough pain in enough joints I can’t think of where to try it first.

Comment from dissent555
Time: May 22, 2021, 12:08 am

Here’s something on stoat evolution –


Comment from Anonymous
Time: May 22, 2021, 9:03 am

Yes, I watched Bob and Brad on trapped nerves. I watched a bunch of YT, and they were all promoting essentially the same exercises. Which is good. Better today.

Dissent, that lady puts the emphasis on the second syllable in mustelid!

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: May 22, 2021, 11:02 am

“Dissent, that lady puts the emphasis on the second syllable in mustelid!”

Where else would it go?

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: May 22, 2021, 4:45 pm

OED: mustelid — (ˈmʌstiːlɪd)

Accent on first syllable, and no alternate pronunciation given.

There’s no telling what mispronunciation will become accepted usage. And I’m expecting to hear “usage” pronounced as faux French you-SAAAAHZH any day now.

Comment from Anonymous
Time: May 22, 2021, 4:46 pm

I know I’m quickly gaining cranky old fart status, but would it kill these whippersnapper presenters to dress appropriately? Those jeans do that poor woman no favors. Dan Brown lurking around castles dressed like a leftover Mod is annoying and Suzannah Lipscomb’s outfits are often distracting. Lucy Worsley and Helen Castor get it right, as does Dan Brown and Neil Oliver…then there’s Bethanny Hughes who just has too much oomph to rein it in.
@Uncle Al…faux French makes me crazy especially Moet pronounced as Mow-ay…the dude was Dutch it’s Mo et.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 22, 2021, 5:20 pm

Oh, it’s coming to something when my own website forgets me!

Comment from BJM
Time: May 22, 2021, 11:40 pm

Théophile Alexandre Steinlen’s Illustrations of Cats in Fin de Siecle Paris

h/t almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 24, 2021, 7:49 pm

I have the Dover edition of that, BJM, and I’m damned if I can find it.

Comment from oldowan
Time: May 27, 2021, 8:19 pm

I LOVE this cartoonist–so glad you posted the site.
I remember the ‘Mercury’ series in National Lampoon in the early 1970’s.

(Good luck with your nerves!)

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