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We have trailer parks too, you know

They call them caravan parks here, which sounds so much more romantic.

Though I think these guys are mostly city boys. This is a selection of the men locked up in Sussex in July. It was a bumper month, because of the pandemic backload.

Nothing particularly interesting. Drunk driving and sex attacks. Except the first asshole in the article, the Brighton Cat Stabber, a security guard who murdered sixteen cats. May he rot. He got five years, so here’s hoping his cellie is a cat person.

Incidentally, Scotland Yard ultimately decided the Croydon Cat Killer was actually a series of random fox attacks.

Back to our upstanding citizens, number thirteen is amusing, if you overlook the fact it’s a hit and run with serious injuries:

Fenton, aged 40, self-employed, of Lower Waites Lane, Fairlight, ran away from the scene but was later returned by his mother, having changed his footwear. […] he was sentenced to a total of three years and eight months’ imprisonment. But the sentence was appealed, and at the Court of Appeal on Tuesday 6 July, it was increased to five years and three months.

I mostly posted this so you could appreciate their intelligent faces.


Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: August 3, 2021, 7:59 pm

Oh dear Lady. Those mug shots are the stuff of nightmares. I had one that was a flash of an image as though I was looking out my bedroom window to see a man in an orange jumpsuit looking back at me through the window with a gleeful smile looking through my bedroom window at my sleeping self on the bed.

That instant image brought me to my feet, at that window, looking out, expecting to see a man in an orange jumpsuit. I didn’t quite load the shotgun and go through the house to insure the residence was secure, but I seriously considered loading it.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: August 3, 2021, 9:26 pm

Huh – I would have guessed they were the Democratic Candidates for office in Illinois.

Either that or the White House press corp before they put on their makeup.

Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: August 3, 2021, 9:38 pm

But the sentence was appealed, and at the Court of Appeal on Tuesday 6 July, it was increased to five years and three months.

“Waste our valuable time will you??!!! Here!!! Have some more!!! We’ve got plenty!!!!”
There really is a Monty Python skit in there somewhere…

Comment from Mitch
Time: August 3, 2021, 10:17 pm

Florida Man has a new challenger: Sussex Man!

Comment from Mitch
Time: August 3, 2021, 10:19 pm

Oh, and “Fenton running away” we have actual video of that:


Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: August 4, 2021, 1:03 am

“Fenton running away”….

Well done, Mitch !!!!!

Comment from Mitch
Time: August 4, 2021, 7:28 pm

Thanks ExpressoBold! 😀

Comment from BJM
Time: August 5, 2021, 3:26 am

@Skandia…an unloaded weapon indicates that you have kiddos which complicate home defense.

Sweeping a dark house with a weapon is not conducive to sound sleep for quite a while.

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