Abandon hope all ye who enter here
That’s a still from a mildly amusing Youtube of cats interrupting meetings. You’ve probably seen it; it was making the rounds.
I post it because I don’t have any pictures of my moggies making absolute nuisances of themselves just now. I had to host a Zoom meeting of the managing board, and there’s me trying to look all professional and together, and there’s my cats waving their assholes in the camera.
They’re not usually so clingy. I know what was up. They were *pissed* that I was jabbering away at an inanimate object and ignoring them, the dual centers of the universe.
That’s nothing. You should’ve heard when I was late for Chicken Bedtime.
Posted: September 7th, 2021 under animals, cats.
Comments: 3
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: September 7, 2021, 10:56 pm
They are trying to protect you from “The Light Box”
Weasy – check and see if El Salvador just obliterated your Crypto Currency investment.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 7, 2021, 11:23 pm
Just checked. It dropped to £354.22 at the crisis point at 5pm my time. It is now £384.08. Reminder: on a £50 investment two years ago.
Comment from Blake
Time: September 8, 2021, 11:35 pm
I dropped a couple hundred in January that’s about doubled.
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