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We has a petrol crisis

We’re having a gas crisis. Did you know? I assumed you did, but then I didn’t realize you had a gas crisis four months ago until I was trawling the internet looking for pictures earlier.

Here’s an explainer: it’s fake. It’s fakity-fake-fake. It’s hooey, bullshit and rubbish. Rather, shortages are real enough, but it’s panic buying brought on entirely by newspaper headlines. Somebody did this a-purpose, but why?

Greenies hoping to stop car travel? (They succeeded…everyone’s afraid to go anywhere). Remainers hoping to discredit Brexit?

I also didn’t know until a little while ago that people in the States were banging pots and pans to honor nurses during the pandemic. I thought that was something dreamed up by a dweeb on Facebunk to worship the NHS.

You have to wonder how much brainstorming goes on in the Illuminati PR Division.

Never mind. Let’s have some Fun with Math.

The sign says 133.9p per liter.
There are 3.7854 liters in a US gallon.
As of just now £1 = $1.35.
I make that $6.84267831 a gallon. Honestly? I thought it was more than that. The pound must have fallen against the dollar.


Comment from QuasiModo
Time: September 28, 2021, 9:22 pm

That’s crazy. It’s $4.09 USD/Gallon here in Canuckistan where I am right now. Their ulterior motive is to encourage you to buy a battery powered car…doesn’t seem to sink into their thick skulls that power grids won’t support it.

Is it me or are all Tesla drivers asshoes?…they’re surpassing BMW drivers by a wide margin.

Comment from Gromulin
Time: September 28, 2021, 10:03 pm

It’s only $4.29-$4.59 a gallon here in the Bay Area, so I got that going for me, which is nice.

@Quasi – Yes, They are A-Holes. Will finish a text after the light turns green at left turn lights. It only matters that THEY get through the light, fuck the peasants behind them. I work in Palo Alto and am surrounded by them every day. Only worse are the bicyclists, but I think that Venn diagram has a large overlap here.

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: September 28, 2021, 10:30 pm

@Gromulin…yeah, just today I was getting on the highway to go get some groceries and a Tesla dude was up my ass the whole way like I was holding him back…he blew past me once he had a fast lane…it was kinda funny though, an electric car driver acting like he had tons of horsepower, lol…like being passed by a golf cart, heh. He was up other people’s asses after me too.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: September 28, 2021, 11:15 pm

$2.84 at Costco, just 2 miles down the road, this morning. We paid $1.28 last year as we moved from Boston to FL with a long side trip to the Midwest.

Comment from Drew458
Time: September 28, 2021, 11:50 pm

Arrgh, I can’t find it!! Way way back near the beginning of this Covid thing, you ran a post talking about ACE-2, and posted a screencap of a map from one of the UK papers showing a virology lab in Wuhan just a couple hundred yards from the wet market. While you do have things archived by month here, there is no search feature that i can find, and you don’t use categories for your posts. So I can’t find it. And that post ties directly into what’s being called the Spartacus Letter, 15 pages that will both scare the heck out of you and boggle your brain with medical terms … followed by 26 pages of links. Ok, maybe the mind control part is a bit woo-woo, but the rest lines up with things I’ve been reading since your ACE-2 post got me into reading everything I could find to learn what was going on with this pandemic.


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: September 29, 2021, 1:51 am

$75 to fill the gas tank in a truck which cost $45 a year ago.

And they lie to us every day now. Afghanistan, Covid, the economy, 17000 Haitians ‘deported’ from the port of entry into the United States, FBI agents plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan to entrap morons. Claims that a thousand of so people can throw an ‘insurrection’ and that they had storming the capital all planned and Trump ordered it.

And they can’t figure out why we don’t trust them as far as we can kick the Capitol building.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: September 29, 2021, 2:24 am

Forgot my favorite.

Jeffery Epstein killed himself.

My recent favorites, all truckers and longshoremen died in this year’s pandemic and that’s why container ships are anchored unloaded in every major American port, even though they were unloading them in the middle of the pandemic last year.

Comment from lumps
Time: September 29, 2021, 2:34 am

They know Americans don’t trust them, and why.

It doesn’t matter. Getting a reputation for creating or infiltrating patriotic groups, roping innocents in, and then burning them by faking or doing actual violence, only benefits their purpose, which is ultimately chilling/suppressing actual protest.

Protestors will be always afraid that some alphabet shitheads are going to coopt ther peaceful movement and bust things up, paint them with the brush the alphabets created, and make political prisoners out of them, like what has already happened.

The media is the key to the government’s success, and it is utterly craven and corrupt as an accomplice should be.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: September 29, 2021, 3:19 pm

JavaMan filled his Ranger p/u yesterday with $2.35/gallon gas at the United grocery store/gas station we use. We had store “points” that gave us 40 cents a gallon off the $2.75 normal price. I don’t know when I’ve seen JavaMan so happy.

Comment from Jeff Weimer
Time: September 29, 2021, 4:10 pm

We just went down from $2.99 to $2.93 here in sunny southern Chesapeake, VA

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 29, 2021, 6:05 pm

The ‘Spartacus letter’ was 44 pages when I got it! Someone must’ve biffed the footnotes.

Drew, I never bothered implementing a local search because all it does is do a Google search in the form:

keyword site:sweasel.com

Which you can do yourself. I couldn’t find the post you referred to, though, and I couldn’t think what keyword would be useful to bring it up.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: September 29, 2021, 10:22 pm

Question: when I visited Britain in 1987, the petrol stations sold two-star, three-star, and four-star grades. The price differential between grades was 0.5% per step, i.e. almost negligible.

Is that still true?

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