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I didn’t make this picture. The Brighton Argus made this picture. Because you can’t have a story about Paul McCartney growing hemp without a photo of him looking stoned out of his monkey tree.

It’s hemp. It’s boring. And yes, his farm is not far away. We’ve never seen him in the wild, but we know people who have. Mixed reports on whether he’s a nice guy.

Speaking of weed, only California could legalize marijuana and still make regulation such a pain in the ass that it’s worth setting up a massive illegal growing operation. $1.19 billion worth.

That story is two months old, but it’s not the last one.

p.s. thanks everyone for the air fryer suggestions. Our chicken turned out brilliant. I think we’re going to like this.


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: October 6, 2021, 8:54 pm

Weasy – you will become an air-fryer apostle and you’ll be pushing it on everyone you know who doesn’t own one.

And recipes? Oh my. Endless!
Another one that works well is Chicken Parm, and
potato salad, and…endless.

And assuming you can follow relatively simple directions, it’s almost fool proof and great for dinners for 2!

And Paul doesn’t looked stoned there, he looks like they dug him up after his burial at Abbey Road and told him John died first. That’s not a healthy looking Beatle.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: October 6, 2021, 10:42 pm

He’s 79. If he just got an appropriate 79-year-old’s haircut, I don’t think he’d look so much like a dessicated corpse.

Comment from Mark Matis
Time: October 7, 2021, 12:01 am

Oh come on now, Sweas! Do you actually expect him to look better than Keith Richards???

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: October 7, 2021, 12:50 am

I’m in agreement with @durnedyankee — McCartney appears less stoned than trying unsuccessfully to remember if he gets trifle today. He looks like an Alzheimer’s sufferer, poor fellow.

I’m not much of a fan, but I do wish him well.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: October 7, 2021, 2:59 am

Paul McCartney looks like my mother-in-law. Except she would have been wearing dangling earrings and red lipstick.

Comment from peacelovewoodstock
Time: October 7, 2021, 12:03 pm

Several years ago, Paul publicly announced that he was giving up the weed. I wonder if he has stuck with that decision.

Back in the early 70s at college, girls told me I looked like Paul. I still do! Except I didn’t keep as much hair :-/

Comment from BJM
Time: October 7, 2021, 3:14 pm

@Stoaty…if California owned the Sahara Desert there would be a sand shortage. LA is building high-rise apt buildings on Skid Row (?!!) to house the homeless…furnished studio units with full amenities so they don’t feel bad about themselves. Idiots.

The thing about the Beatles is that in spite of their talent, they were never as good separately as they were together. I never cared for Paul. Like Tom Cruise, there’s something off about him.

Comment from Weasel
Time: October 8, 2021, 3:12 am

Obviously you’ve not been in Appalachia in the last 30 years! Want weed?

Comment from jwm
Time: October 11, 2021, 3:26 pm

California did all the stoners a huge favor by legalizing recreational weed. They put so much tax on the legal stuff that nobody but tourists buy it. The black market has gone gray, and there are no-tax speakeasy weed stores everywhere.


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