Not sure how I feel about this…
We had our antiquated security system updated this week.
As they were finishing up, one engineer said to me, “there’s an app, you know.” And damme, there’s an app.
I can check the alarm status. I can alarm and unalarm remotely. I’m notified if an alarm goes off and which sensor has been tripped. I get a log of every alarm setting event and which keyfob was responsible.
But so, of course, can everyone else in the company who downloads the app. Whee! I’m punching a timeclock again.
I don’t actually mind punching a time clock, literally or figuratively. And I don’t suppose any of the old dears I work for has the slightest interest in a phone app, anyway. But I am perfectly poised between thinking this is a great and useful thing to have and thinking it’s a level of surveillance too far.
On a side note, I’ve had to work a 9-to-5 to babysit the workmen and I am shattered. How did I ever do this day after day?
Posted: November 10th, 2021 under personal.
Comments: 6
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 10, 2021, 9:08 pm
After many years, I hated 8-5 ‘programming’. Liked it when I was young, didn’t once I got old.
But finally found out I enjoy poking around doing “things” on our East Texas property like some retired guy (which I am). And it was 8-5 and I don’t think I’ve enjoyed work so much in years!
Durnedson #3 observed in Minecraft he couldn’t stick to one project and kept doing something else before he could do what he set out to do.
So yesterday I told him I’d been playing Minecraft all day, doing things that needed doing without doing the thing I was supposed to be doing.
I burned leaves! Piles of them! Take that Al Gorp, Greta Hamburg! Let’s Go Braindead!
Trimmed dead brush with ‘chainsaw Jr”, then burned it, reminding myself this would keep our property from becoming California in the future.
Did gutter downspouts, picked up stuff and moved it from point A to point B, tested out the skidder tongs and chain to move an oak log that’s half way to being an 8 foot beam, and finally for the last 3 hours, did the staining of window/door trim I was originally supposed to do.
It was lovely. Now I just have to convince Mrs D that I didn’t have a good time at all, so she’ll be sure and let me go back out to do more.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: November 11, 2021, 12:22 am
Sounds like a terrifically good day, @durnedyankee!
And as for convincing Mrs D you didn’t have a good time, I hope you have a pet or other animals around. Say mean things to them but in a normal soothing voice so they won’t notice anything wrong. But Mrs D will be glad you’re not snapping at her.
(Please don’t take me seriously. Thank you. And you’re welcome, Mrs D.)
edit p.s. — Delingpole has a nice epithet for Greta:
The Swedish Doom Goblin
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: November 11, 2021, 12:42 pm
JavaMan took to retirement like a duck to water. He’s happily busy all day long, and keeps a detailed schedule of what he needs to do. And woe unto me if I try to jump the list and insert a little honey-do near the top!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 11, 2021, 4:26 pm
p.s. I was wrong. The old dears *love* the idea of watching me come and go via a phone app.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 11, 2021, 5:21 pm
Plugged in old people. I guess it’s better than sitting in a local shop kibitzing with people they kibitz with every day about everything that happened in the last 24 hours and the last 3 weeks.
But you can only do that during the day, at night the world is your internet viewing playground.
Something else I’m looking forward to, we’ve already discovered the little shops where the locals sit and we’re ready to crash the place with bribery of banana bread and whatever else it takes to make us local.
Comment from BJM
Time: November 11, 2021, 7:19 pm
@Deborah HH…same here, one does not jump the to-do list queue unless something is on fire or flooding.
@Stoaty…can you put them in a sandbox-like environment with permissions? So they can look but can’t effect changes. I run a full system emulation to keep the Spousal Unit from screwing up network security…he has no idea it exists.
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