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Fox watch

They look such little angels when they sleep, don’t they? I did try to find the owner of this image. I got 13 pages of hits on Tineye.

My next door neighbor did send me a phone pic of the actual fox, but it was an unreadable blur and now I can’t even find it. I don’t know which benighted app she used to send it to me.

Yes, fox. Two, in fact. In broad daylight. Canoodling.

Well, I don’t mind the canoodling so much. It’s the attempting to eat my chickens part I object to. Uncle B chased them out of our garden, then we heard reports up and down the neighborhood as two amorous foxes had appeared in back gardens.

Three. We got three reports. We’re rural.

This puts pressure on my housing situation. A certain amount of free ranging is necessary for me to cope with four adult roosters (swapping them in and out as necessary).

I’m going to try to give away one of my boys ๐Ÿ™


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 10, 2022, 8:20 pm

Giving him away is better than having him practice Democracy with the 2 foxes by voting on what’s for lunch.

Canoodling? As I recall I don’t mind it so much either ๐Ÿ˜

Never mind that…can you account for Uncle B’s whereabouts last April?

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: January 10, 2022, 10:19 pm

I feed birds in a seed patch on the ground in the back yard, right in front of a tree line so the birds can get up in there as needed…in the summer there’s quite a bit of brush up to the seed patch as well that we cut back from time to time to prevent predators.

One time in the summer I was having a coffee on the back porch watching the seed patch as usual, there was a lone squirrel eating the seeds and a fox plunged out of the brush and grabbed him in his jaws quick as lightning and made off with him back into the brush…both me and the squirrel never saw it coming…all I could do was make an ‘awwwwwwwghhhhhh’ sound, poor squirrel.

Foxes are sneaky bastards.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: January 10, 2022, 11:35 pm

I live in a canal community on the river. Iโ€™ve caught many kitties and a big (and I mean BIG) black racer snake on my outdoor cameras. Iโ€™ve also caught several fox on my cameras. But theyโ€™re kinda puny guys compared to the bobcat boy who strolled thru one night. And how do I know he was a boy, you ask? Because he was a BIG boy with big boy accoutrements clearly visible as he strutted on by.

Comment from BJM
Time: January 11, 2022, 1:47 am

Haven’t caught the foxes on the cameras this week, but it is definitely canoodling time.

We have two mature does, a yearling doe and four fawns…a family group…last week a four-point teenage buck was hustling the girls up and down the creek bank all night long…but they weren’t interested…he didn’t have the moves. Then a studly 8 pointer showed up, flexed, tossed his rack, bellowed for a cold beer and hustled the girls away for a few days.

Now the bucks are gone and the three does are peacefully grazing and I assume preggers. The fawns are mightily confused.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 11, 2022, 2:32 am


Where’s the damn like button!!!!

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