I didn’t feel a thing
That dip on the graph is a pressure wave from the volcanic eruption in Tonga, as recorded in Sussex. Per the article: “Tonga is just over 10 000 miles away and, at the speed of sound, that’s around 14 hours away.”
They said it would have a measurable impact on air pressure locally but we wouldn’t actually feel it, and it did come to pass. Though…doesn’t that look like a drop in pressure? Does that make any sense?
Man some of those videos were wild: boom, satellite, infra-red, before and after.
Oregon Muse, one of the contributors to the Ace of Spades group blog, has died. He was the curator of the popular Book Thread (and also the Chess Thread). If you were an enjoyer of either of those, you can follow the link to pay respects.
It’s always such a strange feeling to lose an internet person.
Posted: January 19th, 2022 under internet, weather.
Comments: 9
Comment from Teej
Time: January 19, 2022, 8:41 pm
We (in Californicate) were supposed to get a tidal wave, but we dinnt.
I know what you mean, Stoatie, I feel like i lost someone I ‘know’. Will so miss the book thread.
Comment from Teej
Time: January 19, 2022, 8:43 pm
Oh, and faster moving air has lower pressure.
Using my aero degree for the first time since the ‘demic hit.
Comment from Teej
Time: January 19, 2022, 8:46 pm
Though that don’t sound right, either.
Where’s all your smart people, weez?
Comment from thefritz
Time: January 19, 2022, 10:34 pm
Swease, I discovered your website through Ace of Spades. I am a daily reader of that blog and a big fan of Oregan Muse’s Chess Thread. I found an online chess program that would load his weekly chess challenges and enjoyed trying to solve them. I too was left with a strange sadness, rather profound, at the news for someone I never met in person. I believe it would also happen should any of my Dead Pool confreres leave us. So here’s the deal…don’t nobody go anywhere soon.
Comment from Teej
Time: January 20, 2022, 1:03 am
God keep you all, and Stoatie too.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 20, 2022, 2:29 am
Stoaty, the barograph shows rapid changing pressure at around 1700 Saturday, and then a little bit later just after 1800, and one more approaching midnight. I don’t know if all three are from the Tonga blast, and my level of knowledge is inadequate to even guess why there would be three blips over a span of that many hours.
Teej, so you are a Bernoulli Bro? (-: Did it also bother you some years back every time you heard that awful song You Are the Wind Beneath My Wings and make you want to shout, “It’s the faster wind OVER your wings that makes you fly, you silly person!”?
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 20, 2022, 3:20 am
Congratulations to Mme. Ermine and Uncle Badger for having the excellent foresight to have so careless a PM that he got caught *gasp* partying with his cabinet, and all of them *gasp* without masks.
This is excellent because Boris & Co. pissed off a big swath of British voters who needed serious appeasement to prevent them bringing the tumbrels and guillotines out of mothballs.
And that appeasement just happened in the form of the scrapping of COVID passports, mandated masking (including in schools), and pretty much all the govt COVID dictates.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 20, 2022, 10:45 am
And with wise investment and dictatorial powers you too could profit during the pandemic like Dr Anthony “I’m Sparticus Science” Fauci.
It makes sense in our closed loop world you can’t set off that kind of eruption and not see the effect elsewhere.
Next thing up will be how the cooling that results from the dust that blew into the atmosphere is delaying Gerbil Warming and giving us time to methodically force you back into a lifestyle of the 1400’s; to save Mama Gaia, who obviously didn’t give a rat’s ass about the people in Tonga.
Comment from blake
Time: January 20, 2022, 6:14 pm
I’m part of the Moronosphere News Network! Those were the days…
OregonMuse would post my tri-weekly (is that a word? what does it mean?) movie thread for years until last September when he gave me the cob keys to AOSHQ. I then realized he’d been recalculating all my images to not kill the margins, as well as doing other tweaks that are necessary when you’re running Movable Type 2.6 (2003!).
I liked him a lot.
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