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Happy Candlemas. Groundhog Day. Whatevers.

Ew, more blob people.

I joined Goodreads today against my will, or at least my better judgement. I’m having a terrible time keeping track of my Kindle books – which ones I’ve read, which ones I’m waiting to read, like that – and the Kindle app sucks for that.

I have a terrible backlog. I buy a couple of books a month (have I recommended Bookbub?) and I don’t read them because social media has ruined my attention span.

I thought maybe Goodreads could help me keep track of all the books I’m not reading.

See, Amazon owns Goodreads, so you can grab everything you’ve bought through Amazon and plop it into your Goodreads collection. Well, one by one, but it’s better than any other Kindle book organizer I’ve found. But I get the impression the whole point is sharing your library and your book reviews with other people, and that is something I do not care to do.

Maybe because my library is mostly lurid True Crime and gruesome doctor books. If I’m ever suspected of murder, I’m stuffed.

Anyhoo – happy Candlemas. It’s one of the oldest feasts in the Christian calendar; it commemorates baby Jesus being presented at the temple for the first time. We observe it because Christian cultures who don’t take their decorations down on Twelfth Night do it on Candlemas. Not because we’re Christian, but because we am lazy.

Actually, the tree came down some time ago, but I did have to fish a string of lights from around the front door.

What did Punxatawny Phil see today?


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: February 2, 2022, 10:03 pm

Rules Dam them!

Rules for when you can put things up, rules for when you can take them down.

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign!
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign!

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: February 3, 2022, 12:35 am

I have trouble keeping track of books, too. My bigger problem is deciding what to do with books that I don’t like after reading one-third. Do I keep it, hoping that I will give it a second chance down the road, or delete it on the spot? I used to feel like I owed it to the author to finish their book, but not anymore. I read 4/5 of A Confederacy of Dunces, but just couldn’t finish it.

Comment from Some frozen Vegetable
Time: February 3, 2022, 2:28 pm

“What did Punxatawny Phil see today?”

Here in Dallas he saw NOTHING because because the freaking sleet froze his little groundhog eyelids shut.

The Scientists say that this means Dallas will have six week worth of winter in the next three days.

It is currently 24° F in Freedom Units or -6° in EU’s. And still sleeting. And will be for the next two days. Thank God we buy Gin in the big bottles.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: February 3, 2022, 5:30 pm

Deborah, I have made an executive decision that I don’t have time to read books I don’t like. I don’t have time enough left to read all the books I *will* like.

Comment from drew458
Time: February 3, 2022, 5:34 pm

Thank God America is once again safe. Security at the Pentagon captured an invading Red. A Rhode Island Red actually. A chicken who was trying to get into a secure area.


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: February 3, 2022, 5:41 pm

@Someveg – lo these @9 miles away (as frozen crows fly) we had excitement! This year instead of us having a slab leak, our neighbor had a pipe/slab leak in honor of the winter storm.

Then the police parked out front of the house along with a fire engine and ambulance – local standard for calls, always a cruiser, an ambulance and a fire vehicle.

Can’t tell what was going on, it wasn’t the slab leaky neighbor, it was up the street further, but the 4 cops who showed up were still standing around for 10 minutes talking after the fire engine and ambulance left,

and then they started throwing snowballs.

Then another Blazer (our cruisers) showed up and he joined them, throwing snowballs.

Then Lucy the Dachshuahua, apparently wise enough to know the sound of sleet when she hears it tap tap tapping on the windows, refused to go out and take care of business without even poking her pointy nose out the door to check the weather outside.

But this could all be a death dream flashing before my eyes as I succumb to the arctic cold and snow danger bomb alarm panic blizzard the media promised me we were going to get.

Your mileage may vary on the appropriate amount of panic required.

Comment from PatAZ
Time: February 4, 2022, 3:37 am

Puxy Phil saw his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter. It was 61 here today and I was cold. Thin desert blood I guess.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: February 4, 2022, 5:13 am


We must be very close: we are in Valley Ranch…

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: February 4, 2022, 4:16 pm

Yeah, that’s what I figured based on your comments over time. Though I thought you were a little further over in Hackberry Creek.

We’re northeast across the valley from you over in Carrollton near Creekview Highschool.

I heard Hillary poked her nose out of her place and we’re going to have 3 more years of her not being President.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: February 5, 2022, 2:28 pm

Damn… you got amazingly close – I must start dropping some better grade red herrings… the cheap stuff ain’t working. Actually we’re on one of canals.

As for Hillary – just when you thought it couldn’t get any better than her never being President… SHE has to wake up every morning knowing that idiot Joe got the job when she couldn’t. Bet it doubled her gin bill!

As for Joe, there’s a rumor that the U.S. Olympic Team renamed their bobsled “Biden” because they figured nothing else could take America downhill faster….

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: February 6, 2022, 12:30 pm

@Someveg – I doubt anyone but a local would have been able to narrow it down that much by your commentary.

Canals as one example and a couple other comments, led me to think you were in HB. I haven’t driven around VR enough to realize there were that many canals there.

Both Mrs D and I work/worked over that way at various locations in Irving/Las Colinas over the last three decades.

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