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Here, this Israeli commercial photographer, Lior Patel, combines two things I love dearly: drone footage and time lapse.

Unfortunately, I can’t work out how to link to individual videos directly. I even peeked at the page’s source to see if I could find direct links, but it’s all scripts. Thwarted!

Sigh. Okay. Go to the Agriculture page and scroll down. The fifth video after the header is the one from the picture above: sheep being herded in fast motion. I could watch all day (no, really…I’m just that indolent. Give me a G&T and I literally could).

Fields harvesting, container ships offloading, sea birds settling. He also does panoramic stills. I’d link to some of my favorites if I were allowed to.


Comment from dissent555
Time: April 7, 2022, 11:19 pm

Wild! Amazing how the platform can stay so stable.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 8, 2022, 1:40 am

Those aren’t sheep! Those are Uranium drunk covid virus cells invading!

In case you’re wondering about the Uranium thing, wonder no longer, yet another study reveals the US is drinking Uranium every day, which the State of California knows causes you to elect Brandon as President. Or something like that, obviously.
The Midwest and South get the worst of course, which explains deplorables and Trump voting and not saying Gay, again, I’m sure that’s what it causes because, well, reasons.

Oh, and the time lapse farming videos, I see those every time I try to play my solitaire game on the Kindle and it tries to get me to download other games, like Yukon! before it will deal a solitaire hand. I’m amazed how much the actual footage looks like what I thought was jokey game footage of combines going through crop fields, but know I see is essentially REAL.

Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 8, 2022, 2:07 am

Proof that solutions to wordle come through osmosis…

Wordle 292 5/6


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