I’m not a very observant Nazi
Man, I can’t believe I forgot to wish you guys a happy Führer’s birthday yesterday.
I think it was the SPLC that first informed the world that conservatives observe Hitler’s b’day. If you do a search of SPLC and “Hitler’s birthday” you get a long list of white supremacist goings-on that they claim were timed to coincide with the big H’s big day. Jail uprisings and the like.
I honestly would have no idea what Hitler’s birthday was if they didn’t publicize it. Now I can’t forget it.
Well, except I forgot it yesterday. Perhaps on account of that other thing we observe on the 20th.
Dead Pool tomorrow! Be here! Or don’t! I’m not the boss of you.
Posted: April 21st, 2022 under holidays.
Comments: 4
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 21, 2022, 8:47 pm
Ah yes!
Mary Jane and Hitler celebrated on the same day!
How droll!
Also: #FJB.
Comment from dissent555
Time: April 21, 2022, 10:12 pm
I second the motion: #FJB
oh, and congrats pablo!
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 23, 2022, 1:47 am
Ah, the little tramp. Oh wait, that’s NOT Chaplin is it.
A certain group of people would have had to invent Hitler if he didn’t exist, after all, who could they compare Trump to, I mean, you know, before Putin got all Hitlery.
Comment from drew458
Time: April 23, 2022, 7:15 pm
[ blush ] I … had to click that link as I had no idea. [ /blush ]
NJ just “legalized” that junk Thursday, 4/21. The state government said they didn’t do it on 4/20 because it would cause too much of an uproar. I read that news Thursday and promptly forgot about it.
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