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I’m not a very observant Nazi

Man, I can’t believe I forgot to wish you guys a happy Führer’s birthday yesterday.

I think it was the SPLC that first informed the world that conservatives observe Hitler’s b’day. If you do a search of SPLC and “Hitler’s birthday” you get a long list of white supremacist goings-on that they claim were timed to coincide with the big H’s big day. Jail uprisings and the like.

I honestly would have no idea what Hitler’s birthday was if they didn’t publicize it. Now I can’t forget it.

Well, except I forgot it yesterday. Perhaps on account of that other thing we observe on the 20th.

Dead Pool tomorrow! Be here! Or don’t! I’m not the boss of you.


Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 21, 2022, 8:47 pm

Ah yes!

Mary Jane and Hitler celebrated on the same day!

How droll!

Also: #FJB.

Comment from dissent555
Time: April 21, 2022, 10:12 pm

I second the motion: #FJB

oh, and congrats pablo!

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: April 23, 2022, 1:47 am

Ah, the little tramp. Oh wait, that’s NOT Chaplin is it.

A certain group of people would have had to invent Hitler if he didn’t exist, after all, who could they compare Trump to, I mean, you know, before Putin got all Hitlery.

Comment from drew458
Time: April 23, 2022, 7:15 pm

[ blush ] I … had to click that link as I had no idea. [ /blush ]

NJ just “legalized” that junk Thursday, 4/21. The state government said they didn’t do it on 4/20 because it would cause too much of an uproar. I read that news Thursday and promptly forgot about it.

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