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Your daily dose of adorable

This was shot from the garden, my dudes. By Uncle B on his fancy new phone.

I know I was complaining I couldn’t see the lambs for the overgrown hedge. That’s the super big field behind us where most of the flock hangs out. There’s a smaller field next to us (the one I tried to buy for lama keeping) and the flock has access to it. A few sheep wander in it sometimes.

These little puff balls came right up to the fence. A gang of six was pronking around in the grass.

This is the *best* time of year here.


Comment from blake
Time: April 25, 2022, 6:03 pm


This is the—well, it’s pretty much like any other time of the year here.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 25, 2022, 7:04 pm

I suppose you’ve already given some thought to putting up a webcam on the other side of the hedge. I know, seeing the little guys on a screen isn’t the same as a direct view, but still lots better than nothing.

We’ve not got any lambs, but we do have bunnies and mockingbirds and ibises and doves and squirrels and hawks and egrets and little lizards. Well, fewer little lizards inside the non-pool cage than we had before we started sharing our home again with a pair of cats. Anyway, it lots better than TV.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 25, 2022, 11:51 pm

I saw some joyful lambs on Monday, plus baby goats, and a LOT of calves. Took a day trip with three DAR sisters to visit another DAR chapter. We drove through some of the prettiest land in Texas—across the high plains and the mile-wide Canadian River valley, which didn’t have any water in it (as usual). But oh so beautiful.

The kids reminded me of Tom T. Hall’s song—How To Talk To A Little Baby Goat on a banjo.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: April 26, 2022, 1:35 am

web camera! web camera!

Comment from OldFert
Time: April 26, 2022, 1:51 am

Did someone plant some mint nearby for a head start?

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 26, 2022, 6:33 pm

Neither of us likes lamb, ‘fert, so we can enjoy baby-watching with a clear conscience.

Webcam. Hm. Would a wifi cam broadcast that far?

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